rebelling against low expectations

Am I Complete if I’m Single?


“Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make a helper fit for him.'” (Genesis 2:18)

This verse used to stump me.

It was something that caused me to prop my chin on my hand and say “huh!” If God knew man shouldn’t be alone, then why are there so many single people in the world today?

As I sat back and thought about these questions, I realized this: Most people see a spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend as something that makes them whole — complete.

Without a romantic partner, they feel like they have nothing, like they’re just waiting around, staring at the clock like the time they’re wasting is meaningless.

But it is not meaningless.

Song of Solomon 3:5 pleads for young women to not awaken love until the timing is right. It’s a common thing for teenagers these days to feel out of place and awkward when their friends have dates to prom and they’re left by themselves.

They desire an intimate relationship at a young age, but it’s not needed. Intimacy is for marriage, after all, not just for fun. So why focus on that right now?

Psalm 37:4 states that if we delight ourselves in the Lord then he’ll give us the desires of our hearts. Now, this isn’t saying, “If you read your Bible then you’ll find love.” Not at all! Instead, it’s claiming that if you pour your heart into the love that Jesus has offered, you will find you need nothing else.

Teens and young adults feel like intimate love will make them happy. But the truth is, it won’t.

Sure, it might last for a few days (or for a lifetime), but once you have what you seek, you will not be satisfied. You will always go on searching for more, constantly looking for what’s next. That is a common feeling for humans, the perpetual desire for something bigger and better.

But there is only one thing in this life that will make us truly happy.

What else is more worth it than the love of God?

Proverbs 16:1-4 declares that God has a perfect plan, no matter what humans may wish. The Lord judges and knows all things and has a plan for everything. In verse four, it claims everything has a purpose. Yes. Everything. Even the single woman all alone in her office cubicle. Even the single man losing sleep at night. Even you.

You are not single by accident.

God is giving you a gift of freedom. He has a plan for your life and a purpose for it. So instead of seeking for love, seek life. Who knows? Perhaps someday you will marry, or maybe you won’t. But that doesn’t happen by accident. God knows you by name and has already written your story.

 Being single doesn’t make you incomplete. You are whole in Christ. You can change the world.

You don’t have to have a boyfriend or girlfriend to do hard things.

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About the author

KayleighAnne Stanton

is surrounded by three sisters, one brother, and a fat cat who thinks she is waitstaff. She loves reading, writing and anything that has to do with imagination and enjoys National Parks, as they have a great 'scope for the imagination.' Ever since a young age, she has wanted to be an author, and hopes to publish her historical book by the end of her highschool 'career.'


rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →