rebelling against low expectations


The Importance of the Psalms While Studying Theology


Theology matters. 2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.” It is the duty of the Christian to study doctrine and understand what has been given to us through special revelation, and that we not only be sincere in our faith but match its sincerity with content. It is crucial that we wrestle with...

Mission Isn’t for Some; It’s for All


“Mission” is a pretty loaded term in Christian circles and conjures different images for different people. Churches have “mission partners,” people are “sent out on mission.” What springs to mind for you when you hear the word “mission”? Is it people hiking through the jungles of Bolivia to reach some distant tribe? Or setting up churches in unreached places? Is it university event weeks or...

Why Putting God First Isn’t Enough


Priorities. We all know what it means to have them, and most of us strive to structure our days accordingly. Any Christian who has been in the church long enough has the head knowledge that God should come before all else. However, is having God as our “top priority” what we ought to be pursuing? Now, don’t get me wrong–of course God should still come first! I am not suggesting that there is...

The Girl Who Started A Love Riot for Jesus


My friendship with Sara Barratt is 100% virtual. We’ve never talked over coffee or met up at a conference or worshiped together in church. I met Sara in the Young Writer’s Workshop—a place where everyone shares a thrill for stories, words, articles, novels, and poems. Together, we write them. But as time unfolded and the YDubs community grew, I found more in Sara than a teenager who doodles words...

12 Scriptures to Memorize During the COVID-19 Pandemic


In the last couple weeks, you’ve probably found yourself with more time on your hands than you ever expected. Because in the midst of quarantines, lockdowns, and social distancing there are only so many video games and movies and books you can enjoy before you start feeling a little crazy with boredom. So if you’re one of those people that has said the phrase, “I’m bored” at any point over the...

What Worship Really Is (And What It Isn’t)


I used to think I knew what worship meant. I used to think that worship was raising your hands while singing Chris Tomlin lyrics or praying passionately while soft piano chords played in the background. I used to think that worship was going to church on Sunday and Wednesday and participating in the service. I used to think that worship was doing all of the “church” things I was supposed to do as...

True Worship is a Heart Posture


Have you ever wondered what “worship” really means? Worship is one of the most important aspects of the Christian life. It is absolutely essential that one who claims to walk with God, worships God. However, worship can easily be an ambiguous word that is hard to clearly define. True worship is a heart posture Worship is constantly mentioned throughout the Bible. The first instance...

It’s Okay to be Sad at Christmas


It’s almost noon, and today I almost broke down twice. I’m supposed to be happy, filled with joy, but today I can’t do it. I’m utterly broken, filled with that inexplicable sadness, and I don’t want this holiday season to come. Why? Because then I have to be happy–and that’s a foreign concept. I have to set aside my sorrows and somehow find joy. This year I’m not sure that’s something I can...

When I Asked God to Break Me


I asked God to break me. Little did I know then what the consequences of that prayer would be. I asked God to break me before Him. To create an environment where He was all that I had and He was all that I needed. I wanted to grow in huge ways in a short amount of time. I wanted to feel the presence of God like never before. Out of the blue, life took its toll and left me alone and hurting. Due...

Silence is a Safe Place


“Where shall the world be found, where will the word resound? Not here, there is not enough silence.” — T.S. Eliot Shortly after my son was born, we began putting him down for bed at night with a Kindle app that produces white noise. Mixes can be customized to include sounds of rain, thunder, lightning, and the ocean, but the final effect is uninterrupted hissing that can be likened...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →