rebelling against low expectations

TagThe Gospel

4 Things The World Doesn’t Expect From Teenagers


There’s a new generation arising. Some call us the iGen or Generation Z. Others refer to us as postmillennials. We’re the heartbeat of this century. We’re known as coffee shop loving, selfie taking, video game playing, fun-loving individuals. Who are we? We’re teenagers. A lot of people have a lot of opinions about us. But few automatically label us as passionate Jesus followers. I’m out to...

I Am Barabbas—Deserving of Death, Set Free By Christ


Cold stones surround me. Little light drifts in through the window, but the darkness doesn’t stop me from hearing. Nothing can block out the noise. Not even the heavy doors and firmly built walls that hold me captive. The sound increases and I wonder how many people are standing outside. There must be hundreds. My chest tightens. I know the effect a mob can have. Tilting my head, I concentrate. A...

Love Moved First—My Story from Blind Faith to a Transformed Life


Do you ever think you’re too far gone for God to care about you? That you’ve done things too horrible for him to accept you? Do you think you’ve ruined your life forever, and there’s no way home, no way out? This was the story of my life up until a few months ago. When Love Moved First I was raised in a Christian home, and I had prayed for Jesus to come into my heart when I was around five years...

Why You Need To Share Your Story


Everyone has a story. As a Christian, many would call it your testimony. Your testimony is the story of being born a sinful human and God coming into your mess, rescuing you when you give your life to Him. If you have been saved by Jesus, you have a testimony. However, what some people sometimes forget is that your testimony doesn’t end with being saved. That’s just the beginning. Your testimony...

Three Places We Look for Fulfillment (And Three Reasons Christ is Better)


Have you ever experienced that empty feeling? That hollow ache in your heart? That longing for something more? I have too. That emptiness is called unfulfillment. Seeking fulfillment by way of the world is one of the most draining pursuits. I used to constantly seek fulfillment the world’s way. Eventually, I discovered a world-shattering truth: Only a close-relationship with Jesus can grant...

Even When You’re Slipping, God Won’t Let You Go


Several years ago I got sick. The thing about this sickness was that I didn’t get better. Days dragged into weeks and weeks dragged into months until the months turned into years. Still there was no sure end in sight. Some days are harder than others. My illness plays games with my brain and I start to forget things and feel like the world is closing in on me. I get confused and it is hard for me...

The Gospel for the Doubter (a Sermon)


Some of the most awkward seasons during a Christians life are seasons of doubt. How do you respond to the Good News of Jesus Christ if you’re doubting Jesus himself? How do you cast your burden of doubt onto the shoulders of the One you are doubting? Spoken Word artist Joseph Solomon recently preached a sermon about this very thing. The whole sermon is only about twenty-five minutes long...

Why I Hate Writing About the Gospel


I hate writing about the Gospel. That’s not hyperbole, not an SEO-driven hook to get you the read the rest of this article. It’s 100% true. That might be a shock to a lot of you. After all, I’ve had articles previously published here on the Reb. But that was a long time ago, and the truth is nowadays I hate doing Gospel-focus articles, deeply. Look at my personal outlets as of late and you’ll...

Satan Wants Me to Believe “I Am Enough”


Sometimes we’re not sure we can handle life. We understand the big battles and the somber sufferings will be difficult, but sometimes even the daily tasks mount to overwhelming. We have that massive assignment to finish, and studying has to be balanced with work. We have customers yelling at us over something outside of our control, and it takes everything in us to just be kind. We have only an...

5 Ways We Can Pray for Persecuted Christians


In America, we’re often sheltered from all the trials and persecutions Christians endure in foreign countries. During a recent church service, I watched a video about the sufferings and persecutions of Christians. It broke my heart. Sure, I knew Christians suffered in foreign countries, but I never fully realized how much they went through until I watched this video. They refused to deny their...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →