rebelling against low expectations

TagThe Gospel

What’s Wrong with the Prosperity Gospel?


We’ve all heard it. Pastors, preachers, people who call themselves “prophets,” telling us that if we give a certain amount of money, God will bless us double the amount we gave. Or that God wants us to be happy, He wants to put more money in our bank account, He wants to see us prosper in the world. Maybe you’ve read a book by a famous pastor, about how to make your life great, and how to live...

How Do We Fight Sin?


Isn’t it aggravating when you take the time to explain your struggles to a friend, asking for guidance, and all they say is, “You’ve got this!” or, “Don’t worry, pray about it!” You know what I mean. The advice that sounds more like a pre–game pep talk than godly counsel. Sound familiar? I thought so. We’ve all had experiences like these, and we may even be guilty of being the ones to give this...

He Prayed for Us: Finding Hope in The Words of Jesus


We all have days when we feel like life is kicking us down and the world is throwing one too many punches. As Rebelutionaries, we want to seriously pursue the spread of the gospel and see the expansion of God’s kingdom, which means the enemy has put a very large, red target on our backs. We daily wrestle against “the world forces of this darkness” and “spiritual forces of wickedness” (Ephesians...

Lift Your Eyes This Christmas Season


We’re apt to criticize the Christmas season. It’s true, there’s a lot to criticize in the way our culture defines Christmas. What should be a season of beauty, wonder, and worship becomes several weeks of fighting crowds and harried online shopping. Celebration of our Savior’s birth turns into the stress of too many parties and events. As Christians, of course we should push back against this...

Why and How to Speak the Gospel Every Day


People often say that the Bible is filled with stories. However, it can be argued that there is only one because the entire Bible tells the story of the perfect Creator redeeming His beloved, rebellious creation. We all know this story: Jesus comes to earth, dies on the cross, and rises from the grave. This is the gospel, the foundation of our Christian faith. We’ve all heard it. But when was the...

The Mark 16 Challenge— An Invitation to Share the Gospel


Maybe like me, you’ve been looking for a good way to share the Gospel with your friends. Maybe they haven’t had much experience with God or the Bible, but you think they might really be open to it if introduced in the right way. But how? I’ve been wrestling with that same question for a while now. As a homeschooled teen, I don’t find myself around non-Christians very often—but when I do, I feel...

To The “Good Christian”— Stop Finding Worth in Your Goodness


To the one who grew up in a Christian family . . . To the one who memorized chapters of the Bible . . . To the one who wears T-shirts that read “child of the King”. I am speaking to the one who never rebelled against their parents, never went partying late at night and never shoplifted. I am speaking to the Christian who grew up with a false front marked “goodness.” I am speaking to people like...

Evangelism: Sharing Jesus the Jesus Way


What is the most daunting thing that Christians are called to do? Love their enemies and pray for those who persecute them? Turn the other cheek? Speak for those who can’t speak for themselves? I would say that, for me and many fellow Christians, the scariest thing we are called to do is evangelize. We are called to share our faith. It’s frightening to stick your neck out there and share the...

Why the Gospel Matters — Even if You’re Already Saved


If you’re a Christian, then at some point in the past, you chose belief in the gospel and trusted Jesus Christ with your life. But the effects of the gospel don’t end the moment that you’re saved—in fact, now that you’re a Christian, the gospel is more relevant than ever. Often, Christians think of the gospel as an evangelism tool, something for the unsaved. We’ve...

4 Ways the Gospel Changes a Teen’s Life


Most Christians would say they believe the gospel. But not all Christians live like they believe the gospel. The gospel—the good news—isn’t like any other news in the world. The gospel hits deep into the core of a person and flows through every part of life. It shows us the true condition of ourselves—sinners who deserve God’s judgment—and provides the only way of salvation. Most of us who are...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →