Have you ever been called sheltered? Have you ever had someone make fun of you for being innocent? I have. Words like “sheltered” or “innocent” can cause a quick burst of shame to slither down your spine, and make you feel less-than or not-enough. After all, we live in a culture that exalts the street-smart and world-wise, the ones who have gone around the proverbial block of life and come out...
Are You Willing to Be a Fool For the Gospel?
In November 2018, an almost 27-year-old young man from Washington State, USA, made international headlines. Almost overnight, it seemed the world knew the name of John Allen Chau. On November 17, 2018, John’s physical body was killed by arrows shot by the Sentinelese people from the North Sentinel Island, one of the last unreached people groups of the world. He had been carefully planning this...
His Story: Teen Uses “Hamilton” as Inspiration to Produce Her Own Musical
Anna Brown is 18 years old–and already recording and producing “His Story”, a musical that is based on the life of Jesus. How did a teen decide to write a musical that could match one of the most popular modern productions? It was a process that started several years ago. History Has Its Eyes on You In 2016, Anna went on a mission trip to Kenya where a friend introduced her to...
Why I Walked Away From God—And How He Drew Me Back
It was early Sunday morning. Suddenly, I was awakened and told to go downstairs. I jumped down from the top of my bunk bed. The sun was shining through the windows, and the sparkling dew still coated the ground. We gathered around, and my father began to pray. It was a disguised way of telling us children that our mother, after being bedridden for nine months from cancer, had passed away in the...
What Our Clocks Say About Our Lives
My grandparent’s home is graced with clocks that provide a steady tick-tock in every room. Without fail, the stately grandfather clocks ring out a loud bong, bong, bong to mark the hour. These clocks not only create a unique ambience, they also provide a constant reminder of the time. Whether in bed, at work, or at play, the clocks’ constant presence reminds everyone in the home that the...
4 Tips To Survive Spiritual Deserts
My favorite Biblical character at the moment is Moses. Not Moses the deliverer, leader and lawgiver of Israel, but Moses the shepherd for forty years in the desert of Midian. It’s a part of his life we often gloss over or forget, but it speaks to my heart, because I too am in a bit of a desert season. (Again.) Deserts are tough. They’re dry and lonely, and they feel never-ending. To our human...
What Would You Risk?—What Teens Can Learn from China’s Persecuted Church
What would you risk to go to church? In the United States, this is a pointless question. There’s usually little or no risk at all. But in China, this is a question every believer faces. While China’s constitution supposedly guarantees religious freedom, this guarantee proves weightless. Chinese Christians have a long history of persecution—and it’s only increasing. Churches are shut down and...
We Can’t Be Kids Again—But That’s a Good Thing
“I wish we could be 10-years old again—back when we played as little princesses and life was simple and easy.” My friend sighed wistfully as she said it, and my heart echoed the sentiment. We were discussing the myriad of different challenges and choices in life, and she was a little overwhelmed by it all. Haven’t we all felt the same at some point? There was a time long ago when we were...
Are You Being Legalistic Or Lazy?
I watched from the back of the room as people sat, knelt, stood, sang and prayed at all the right times. From my vantage point, it looked like a performance. “These people are so legalistic,” I thought to myself. Suddenly I felt a stab of conviction. I could not see the hearts of these people. How could I tell whether they were just going through the motions or truly worshiping the...
When You Have A Passion—But No Place to Go
I sat beside him as he spoke. It was one of those conversations that I had originally been an active member of; but two people rapidly dominated the conversation to the point where I now was on the verge of feeling like an eavesdropper, rather then a comfortable part of the conversation. But it was too good of a conversation to just up and leave. So, eavesdropper or not, I sat and listened as he...