rebelling against low expectations


Biblical Stewardship vs. Worldly Sustainability


In the world today, sustainability is preached from the rooftops. There’s an urgency for people to take the earth’s health more seriously, even if that means going to extreme measures—like not having children or going months without washing your hair. However, rather than just accept what the world says, let’s look at what God says about the earth and our role in caring for it in His Word...

Why Christians Should Care About Nature Conservation


To say my dad likes the outdoors might be an understatement. He has bookshelves full of books on birds, trees, and mushrooms. His major in college is wildlife conservation. Not a day goes by when he is not counting the birds somewhere around Shelby County. One could say he loves nature. But my dad is not a tree hugger –not by a long shot. He avidly watches baseball, takes our mom on regular date...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →