rebelling against low expectations


10 Things Purity Was Never Meant to Be


I was the teenager reading Christian books about modesty, purity, and relationships. I often read my favorite books over and over again. I loved learning and striving to understand God’s design for my life as a Christian girl. I wore the purity ring. I read I Kissed Dating Goodbye. I saved sex for marriage. I saved my first kiss for my wedding day. I was that girl. Fast forward to today, and I...

I Was Addicted to Pornography—Here’s What I’ve Learned About Grace


About a year ago, God took me out of my figurative comfortable reclining armchair and made it very clear that he wanted me to do a very hard thing—‘fess up. My Story When I was fourteen, I became addicted to pornography. I hid this sin from everyone in my life, not even writing about it in my journal. I tried to hide it from God, by “making up” for it in my quiet time–reading the...

Counterintuitive Advice for Guys about Lust


I’ve got a question for you guys: Is it possible for young men to get through their teen years free from lust? Or what about this: Is it possible for a young man to find such a deep level of freedom that if he saw an immodestly dressed woman getting harassed on the street, he would be able to help her without lusting or would it be too much of a temptation? Or maybe he should run away, since...

Ann Voskamp: A Letter to My Son


I met Ann Voskamp at Patrick Henry College in September of 2011. She was there for a public interview with Marvin Olasky for WORLD Magazine and the coffee shop crowd was overflowing into the lobby. We all strained to hear the soft-spoken words of this homeschooling mother of six, this gentle wordsmith, who was championing gratitude for even the smallest of God’s good gifts. After the...

John Piper: The Power of Divine Grandeur


In a series of messages entitled Sex and the Supremacy of Christ, John Piper reveals the powerful antidote to all of our lusts and worldly desires. For those of you who cannot view the video, or who want to read more (do!), you will find an excerpt from his notes and a link to the rest below: Sex and the Supremacy of Christ by John Piper © My conviction is that one of the main...

Gazing At A Piece of Meat


Find this and other satires written by students at Funny Class Notes, a humor page designed to entertain but also make important points through satire. Please, take a long look at the above juicy slab. Gaze at it, fill your nostrils with the imagined scent of its cooked glory and think of what an amazing taste it will bring to your buds. Doesn’t it look wonderful? When cooked, maybe it will...

Ted Haggard: The Destructive Power of Secret Sin


Most of you are aware of the recent scandal surrounding conservative Christian leader Ted Haggard, who stepped down as leader of the National Association of Evangelicals and was removed from his position as senior pastor of New Life Church in Colorado Springs following recent allegations of a three-year homosexual relationship with a former male escort. The details of the case have yet to be...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →