rebelling against low expectations


Should Teens Read Spice in Fiction?


As a Christian author, I frequently hear two arguments regarding sexual content in young adult fiction. First, “YA books should have explicit spice so that teens learn about sex.” Second, “Young adults should never be exposed to explicit content in books.” As a Jesus-proclaiming believer, I stand firmly with the latter, but it is not only my faith that gives me this perspective. I have a personal...

A Single Girl’s Take on Pornography


Author’s note: I originally wrote this article as a 21-year-old single girl. I deeply desired a biblical marriage but was disheartened by what culture presented as the norm in relationships. Nearly three years later, I’m happily married to a wonderful, godly man, who, by God’s grace, has sought after purity of heart and mind. I’m deeply thankful for God’s work in my husband and the convictions He...

The Romantic Deception: What if There Isn’t a “One”?


Editor’s Note: We’re thrilled to welcome Gary Thomas to the Reb today! His book The Sacred Search is an excellent resource for Christ-centered relationships and choosing a spouse wisely. This article was originally published on February 13, 2020. When Tom Cruise—playing Jerry Maguire—uttered those now famous words, “You complete me,” he was married to his second wife, Nicole Kidman...

Sex, Marriage, Singleness and Finding a Godly Spouse with Gary Thomas


What’s a biblical view of marriage? How do I live in purity when it’s (really) hard? And the question we all want to know: what should I be looking for in a godly spouse? Gary Thomas is the author of one of Sara’s favorite relationship books The Sacred Search and he brings so much wisdom, biblical truth, and encouragement in today’s podcast episode. This episode will help you walk in purity...

How Should Christians Respond to LGBT Pride Month?


June is LGBT Pride month. How should Christians respond . . . when your school sets aside a day to celebrate the LGBT community? Or when your city has a Pride parade or your neighbor waves a rainbow flag in their yard? In the first episode to the Cultural Questions series, Sara digs into these questions and outlines what the Bible says about sex, marriage, and gender and gives three practical...

Disney’s LGBTQ+ Agenda and the Degenderization of Society


When I was a little girl, I dreamed of one day being Cinderella. I would sit riveted in front of the TV as I watched my favorite Disney princess experience her happily ever after. Castles and fairytales, glass slippers and princes took up my five-year-old brain space and I was lost in the innocence and wonder of it all. The power fairytales have upon young minds is nearly as strong as the power...

5 Steps to Conquering a Pornography Addiction


“Just save sex for marriage” is often the sole encouragement offered in conversations about sex and purity, but there are many other more specific struggles in this area. Countless teens battle pornography addictions, wrestle with masturbation or erotica, or deal with lustful thoughts. Introduce these topics and the conversation about purity gets more complicated. How do we biblically handle...

How Should Christians Respond to Pride Month?


I drove past a rainbow on my way home yesterday. Stripes of color fluttered in the breeze, the flag displayed in my neighbor’s front yard more proclamation than decoration. It’s interesting how a simple piece of fabric woven with a certain pattern of color can make such a bold statement. It’s a symbol of solidarity and inclusion. Of embracing one’s “true self” without shame or reservation. It’s a...

No-Strings-Attached: The Lies of Hookup Culture and God’s Good Design


Editor’s Note: While sexuality is a healthy and important part of Christian life, we recognize we do have some readers who are much younger. This articles is not graphic, inappropriate, or explicit (nor would we publish anything that was), but some mature topics are mentioned. However, if you and your family haven’t discussed sex before, then take this as an opportunity to have a...

Lust Was My Story (But It’s Not the End of My Story)


Honesty feels great. But it’s also unbelievably painful. This is probably going to be the most uncomfortable article I will ever write. So be it. I’m done with skeletons in my closet. I hope after this you will be as well. This is the story of my life. A lot of people assume that just because I was baptized at thirteen and have never gone to jail or done drugs, I have the typical “good...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →