rebelling against low expectations

TagPresence of Jesus

He Prayed for Us: Finding Hope in The Words of Jesus


We all have days when we feel like life is kicking us down and the world is throwing one too many punches. As Rebelutionaries, we want to seriously pursue the spread of the gospel and see the expansion of God’s kingdom, which means the enemy has put a very large, red target on our backs. We daily wrestle against “the world forces of this darkness” and “spiritual forces of wickedness” (Ephesians...

Glory-Filled Reflections: God Calls us Daily to “Come and See”


We live in the shadows of rejected Light, Where darkness praises morning’s thief; Yet one day soon, dawn shall burn bright. We live in the lowlands of earth’s broken blight, Where death is claiming victory; We live in the shadows of rejected Light. Our souls rest trembling in the night, Our spirits bound in faint belief; Yet we know soon, dawn shall burn bright. And we deeply bear these words I...

Three Firsts of Christ (and Three of Our Lasts)


During the holiday season, people usually start thinking about firsts. With the current year coming to a close and the new one right around the corner, thousands of enthusiasts around the world create resolutions they hope to fulfill. While making a list of things you hope to accomplish is a great idea, the amount of people who actually stick with and complete those goals is fairly thin. This...

Dear Christian, Don’t Settle for Just Enough Jesus to Get By


Several weeks ago, I awoke from a fuzzy dream only able to recall the last several moments. I remember looking at a large tree, knowing it was full of caterpillars who should have formed into butterflies long ago but stubbornly refused to do so. Why the delay? I expressed my confusion to a young woman beside me, “Why aren’t they changing?” The moment hung in silence before she answered with a...

A Friend to the Friendless


In the Lord of the Rings, as the journey grows increasingly dangerous, and it starts to become unclear who is truly on his side, Frodo slips on his fateful ring, running as fast as his hobbit legs can carry him, alone to the dark land of Mordor. But his faithful and devoted companion Sam eventually figures out where Frodo has gone and catches him in the nick of time—moments before Frodo sails...

3 Things I Learned Studying the Book of Revelation


I have a confession: I don’t think I’d ever studied the book of Revelation in its entirety. That’s why I was so excited when my Sunday school teacher announced we’d be studying it this past Summer. To be clear, I had read Revelation in bits and pieces as I studied other books of the Bible. There are passages I can nearly quote verbatim (Revelation 19:11 has always appealed to my equestrian heart)...

3 Truths to Reassure Weary Hearts That Jesus Cares


It was supposed to be over. The hurricane of chaos that formed in 2020 was supposed to dissipate as the sun rose on January 1, 2021. It’s what the media promised. It’s what our weary hearts hoped for to the point of delusion. But it wasn’t reality. When we awoke to a new year, racism still existed in the hearts of men. COVID 19 and its variants remained a present threat. And political upheaval...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →