rebelling against low expectations


Don’t Waste Your Life


Dust gathers on my keyboard, maple leaves stick to pavement, tests keep me awake at 12:30 a.m., shuffled papers and empty coffee mugs clutter my desk by the window, and I sit, staring into space, with so many thoughts I cannot fathom into words. Sometimes I have to wonder if the world really does spin faster as we get older, time slips between our fingers like sand, and the ticking of the clock...

How can we fight abortion as teenagers?


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Have something else you’d like to discuss with other Christian teens? Just submit your question or topic (and any elaboration you’d like to provide) using our Submit Content Page.

Can We STOP The Gender Wars?


Ready for a peace rally? Of all the reasons people fight, one of the worst, I think, is because some are male and some are female. Why can’t we just relax and get along? There is something wrong about feminism. We know that as Christians. But sometimes we take it for granted and don’t stop to think about what it is. Just what is it that makes feminism wrong? Well, what makes anything wrong? Think...

Introducing Counted Worthy: A Novel by Leah Good


Back in August you all helped make Counted Worthy a reality by supporting Leah’s Kickstarter Campaign. Well guess what? The wait is over and Counted Worthy is here! Leah asked me (Brett) to consider writing an endorsement and I was so impressed I offered to both endorse it and promote it on You may have noticed that Counted Worthy has its own page under...

Clayton McDonald: The Boy Who Knew He Was Going to Die


UPDATED 11/06/14: Our website has been crushed with traffic to watch this video. Why is that? Here’s my best guess after reading hundreds of comments on Facebook and in the comment section below: Almost every Christian in America has heard the story of Brittany Maynard — a brave and beautiful person whose life was rudely interrupted by a malignant brain tumor. Rather than continue to deteriorate...

How can you accomplish anything significant without money?


There are at least two good directions to go with this question (submitted by Liam, by the way). The first is to explore ways to make an impact that don’t require money. The second is to share ideas for raising funds (even if you aren’t wealthy yourself). Have at it! Share Your Thoughts in the Comment Section! There are currently 9 Comment(s) Have something else you’d like to...

The Daily Struggle


My alarm went off. It was 6:00 in the morning, cold and uninviting. My bed was very warm – and seemed even more so when I stuck out my hand to turn off the annoying screech of the alarm clock. One glance at my calendar hanging on the wall totally disheartened me. The day was full of classes. Sleep was still near enough to slip silently and peacefully into school-less oblivion. Just as my eyes...

How do you know when God is speaking to you?


DAVID WRITES: Following God’s will can be rather intimidating sometimes when other people claim that you’re delusional or just making something up. I’m always worried that I’ll end up doing something that I thought God was telling me to do only to find out that He didn’t tell me that at all. How can you be completely certain that God is telling you to do something...

Flynn McGarry, Age 15: The Homeschooled Teenage Chef


(New York Times Magazine) — One weekend in February, in the kitschy, barnlike house he shares with his mother and grandmother in the San Fernando Valley, Flynn McGarry was preparing an eight-course tasting menu for 15 guests. The McGarrys’ living room, which is dominated by a gigantic brick fireplace, had been cleared to make room for four tables draped with white tablecloths that his mom, Meg...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →