rebelling against low expectations


What should I study if I want to change the world?


MIRJAM WRITES: I’m asking this question because I’m graduating from secondary school soon. After that, I’ll go to university, so I already have to think about what I want to study. There are lots of options, but I’d like to study something with which I could make a difference (e.g. not just something to make the rich people richer). Any thoughts on how I could make the...

Christian Osterhout, Age 17: Lost His Parents, Adopted By His Coach


The Rebelution is one of my favorite blogs. I love the continual reminder to do hard things, especially as young people. So when I heard about my neighbor Christian Osterhout’s story, I knew I wanted to share it with fellow Rebelutionaries. Christian didn’t get to choose his hard things; they were chosen for him in middle school when he learned that both his parents were very ill. His dad who had...

Any advice on how to forgive someone you hate?


P. WRITES: My sister and I have been quite unlucky when it comes to stepfathers. Our current one, who is very similar to the last one in many ways, has repeatedly put me, my sister, my real father, my mentally-challenged uncle, and several other people down repeatedly. Over the years he has screamed profanities at us, called us names, and insulted us. And these tantrums are followed by a period...

Reading God’s Word: A New Year’s Resolution for The Rebelution


The New Year will be here in a few short days, and I wanted to encourage us all to do something together. Honestly, how many of us truly read our Bibles regularly? How many of us memorize scripture? Do we see it as important? Well, according to God’s Holy Word, it is very important. “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. With my whole heart I...

Should Christians legislate morality?


CALEB WRITES: Should Christians push for and create laws that legislate morality (such as laws about gay marriage or abortion)? Should we force non-believers to operate like believers? They will ultimately be judge according to God’s law, of course, but can you make someone who does not hold to the same creed obey something they don’t believe? What do you think? Share Your Thoughts in...

Can God use teenagers to do serious ministry?


CARSON WRITES: I feel that God is calling me to ministry, but how can young teens like me (14-years-old) help people turn to Christ? I don’t think people as young as me can do big things until we’re older and have more opportunities. But what can I do now? Share Your Thoughts in the Comment Section! There are currently 7 Comment(s) Have something else you’d like to discuss? Just...

When You Have No Words: How To Comfort A Hurting Friend


My ear was numb from the phone pressed tightly against my ear as I heard the words spill out: “It’s awful, Jo, they don’t think he’ll make it. If a miracle doesn’t happen, he won’t make it.” What do you say to a friend who is probably going to say goodbye to her 16-year-old brother in a matter of days? What do you say to a friend holding your hand, shaking with such deep pain it cannot be uttered...

5 Things Our Generation Should Strive Towards


“Don’t be known for what you’re against, be known for what you’re for.” We as Christians are called to be winsome for Christ in an uncompromising way. Being overly negative or critical can hinder how attractive we are to the world. Although criticism does have its place, a winsome group will not focus on what they are moving away from, but rather on what they are moving towards. There are at...

What are five things you’re thankful for about this year?


BRETT WRITES: Ruthie submitted this excellent (and relevant) question on Thanksgiving Day, but we all missed out on it since I wasn’t checking emails on Thanksgiving. Fortunately, as Christians we are commanded to give thanks at all times! And as we approach the end of 2014 and enter 2015, this is a great time to reflect on what we’re most thankful for from the past year. Share away...

Beauty is Fleeting, Life is Boring, And That Bugs Me


Sometimes, beauty irritates me. It seems weird. The world is can be an ugly place, and beauty is something humanity is constantly seeking out. It’s one of the things, along with truth and good, that was imbedded at our creation, and draws us forever to itself. But, I’m an introspective type, and I’ve been studying my reaction to it lately. I think that part of the reason teenagers are...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →