HEATHER WRITES: Someone asked me “Why bother changing the world? After all, we know it’s all going to get worse towards end times and God’s will will be done anyway.” She was referring in particular to making political changes (e.g. ending abortion). I still believe it’s worth changing the world, but how would you explain clearly exactly why? Share Your Thoughts in...
Come On, My Generation
Does anything ever just make you mad? Like really, really mad? I’m there right now. I’ve actually had this post written for over four months, but I never submitted it. I’ve never submitted it because I’m afraid: afraid it will come across all wrong, afraid that people will misunderstand my heart, afraid that it’s just too harsh. I see the exceptions to my words and...
Rise Up, Ye Introverts
It seems like the little things that normal people find easy to do are huge, daunting, horrible, excruciating, difficult tasks for us introverts. For example, most people don’t really have problems making phone calls, or saying “hi” to someone, raising their hand in class, talking louder so people can hear you, or making small talk with someone at a party. And sometimes it...
How can I get better at Bible memorization?
C. WRITES: I have a really hard time memorizing Bible verses. Normally it is because I procrastinate. Do you have any advice that could help me stick with it? Share Your Thoughts in the Comment Section! There are currently 12 Comment(s) Have something else you’d like to discuss? Just submit your question or topic (and any elaboration you’d like to provide) using our Submit Content...
UPDATE: Valentine’s Card Project
Many of you are aware of my Valentine Card Challenge to spread God’s love to the imprisoned children of Uganda. By offering God the little bit I had to give, He took that and multiplied it greatly!! He has been moving in the hearts of many, many people to make sure these orphans feel loved. Over the course of the past few weeks, I have seen God provide abundantly. He met the goal of 1400...
Where do you draw the line with entertainment?
TRENT WRITES: Recently, I have discovered some disturbing things about the certain songs like the “Harlem Shake.” Apparently the foreign words in in the beginning of this song mean “With the terrorists.” And it got me thinking, “Where should I draw the line in entertainment?” When there are graphic bloody scenes in a movie? When there is immoral romance scenes...
A Special Name for (Very Spiritual) Christians Like Me
I consider myself a very spiritual Christian. You see, I have this invisible rule book in my head with lists of esteemed religious rules. I pretty much obsess over them — that’s what we truly spiritual people do, right? And all of this is out of strict obedience to God. These rules cover many important topics, like: – exactly what is acceptable behaviour during (and before and after)...
You Are Not Your Own
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” — 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Our generation of Christians has become the epitome of lukewarmness. We have become so much like the world, either in a compromising state of spiritual laziness...
My Prayer Problem
I have a problem with praying. It’s pretty simple: I don’t pray enough. Remember, Paul’s command to “pray without ceasing”? Everyday I seem to keep failing. When good things happen to me, I just enjoy them. If I was worried, I enjoy the relief. If they were unexpected, I enjoy the surprise. And I forget each gift has a Giver. But there is one thing that always draws...
How Do I Keep My Mind Clean?
“Help! Evil thoughts keep rising up and attacking me! I can’t stop it!” Does this ever describe how you feel? Do unwanted thoughts keep popping into your mind no matter how hard you resist them? Welcome to the club. Just about everybody can identify with you, to some degree or another. Whether it is sexual temptations, lies about identity, hatred toward others or self, ill-will toward...