rebelling against low expectations


A Biblical Stance on the “Introvert Revolution”


Introvert and extrovert. Hardly anyone nowadays hasn’t heard these words. “Oh, she’s an introvert. She’s pretty shy.” “I’m an extrovert; I love people!” “He’s pretty introverted…don’t count on him coming to your party.” These phrases are tossed around in common speech quite often, but many people don’t know what they really mean. The simple explanation is that introversion means gaining energy...

Dear Introvert, Don’t be Afraid to Bloom Brightly


“O Lord, I want my life to speak on When I am gone: May something I have done my days outlive, Some sacred act of faith its memory weave, And unto men a lasting blessing give, When life is done. Oh, may some word I’ve said, some deed of love, A comfort prove: Let something stand a lasting monument – Approved by God, a[n] holy complement, That I upon His work was full intent, Sent from above.”...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →