rebelling against low expectations


Christianity Isn’t Supposed to be Comfortable —What I Learned From Experiencing Persecution


Persecution. It’s a word that those of us in the Western world don’t know a lot about. Maybe we’ve heard it, read about it in the Bible, or heard stories of Christians in other countries experiencing it. But most of us have never been through it. That was my story. I’ve heard testimonies of Christians in Asia and the Middle East getting beaten, arrested, or killed for their faith, but it always...

Is Following Jesus Worth the Cost?


We sat in the dark as the stories unfolded. Story after story of individuals who followed Christ through extreme persecution played out on the screen. We saw Christians faithfully witnessing for Christ, fully aware of the severity of the consequences. They are beaten and killed. Children grow up without their fathers because they were imprisoned for the sake of Christ. They could be free from all...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →