rebelling against low expectations

TagMedia & Entertainment

Should Teens Read Spice in Fiction?


As a Christian author, I frequently hear two arguments regarding sexual content in young adult fiction. First, “YA books should have explicit spice so that teens learn about sex.” Second, “Young adults should never be exposed to explicit content in books.” As a Jesus-proclaiming believer, I stand firmly with the latter, but it is not only my faith that gives me this perspective. I have a personal...

4 Tips to Show Internet Courtesy in A Cyber-Bullying Culture


Internet courtesy seems to be non-existent these days. All you have to do is scroll through the comments section on Instagram to see how rude, insensitive, and argumentative people can be. Cyber-bullying seems to be worse than ever, with people name-calling, shaming, and attacking those they don’t agree with. “Canceling” organizations and individuals perceived as dangerous has become all the rage...

Discipleship Through Snapchat: How Each Social Media Platform Can Be Used for God’s Glory


Will there be social media in eternity? As redeemed children of God, we eagerly await new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness Himself dwells (2 Peter 3:13, Revelation 21:3) and where our broken bodies will be made like Christ’s: glorified and perfected (see Philippians 3:21). What might glorified and perfected social media look like–stripped of everything that too often...

Why I Deleted My Facebook


A few months ago, I deleted my Facebook account. This was a big change for me because Facebook was my primary social media account, and I checked it constantly throughout the day. I looked at it first thing in the morning and right before I went to bed. But I realized my dependence on Facebook was damaging my life. Initially, I had taken a weeklong break from Facebook starting on election day...

4 Lessons “Little Women” Teaches Us About Giving


Though Alcott herself was not a Christian, many biblical themes are woven into her timeless classic, Little Women. These themes first appear at the beginning of the book, when the March sisters, bemoaning their situation (no father, no presents), learn four very important and valuable lessons about gifts. This Christmas season, we can learn those same lessons today. 1: Contentment with what we...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →