rebelling against low expectations


Don’t Waste Your Life


“You can always make more money, but you can’t make more time.” Time links the world like nothing else. The world runs on a system of time zones, and our watches and phones constantly remind us of it. The biggest question then is, how will we use our time? Time Affects Everyone There are few things in this world that everyone has access to. But time and the choice of whether to follow God are two...

Blessed One: Finding Abundant Joy in Life’s Little Things


Once upon a time a girl found herself wandering down a trail as tears ran down her cheeks. It had happened again; she had lost something very dear to her heart and this time her insides felt shattered and bleeding. Suddenly she stumbled, but she caught herself on a post sticking out of the ground. Sobbing, she looked up at the post. A sign pointed ahead at a bend in the road. The sign said, “Life...

3 Principles for Living Out Your God-given Purpose


At some point in our lives, we have all asked the question, “What is my purpose?” In response, we face a multitude of answers. But as Christians, one response stands out above the rest. Our purpose—the reason for which something is done or created—is to bring glory to our Refuge and Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ. That answer comes simply, but it forces us to chew on another question, “How can I...

Setting an Example: Living Out 1 Timothy 4:12


One of the most motivating verses within the Rebelution community is 1 Timothy 4:12, “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.” The part most focused on is the first part where we are encouraged not to let people’s low expectations surrounding our age hinder us from setting an example, but to instead, do hard...

An Unlikely Teacher: Death is Swallowed Up in Victory


This year, I have been working at a church as a summer student. I’ve experienced so many different things, but one that sticks out in my mind was a pastoral visitation I went on with the Assistant Pastor. That morning I had been printing, organizing, and uploading as usual when he came in, pointed at me, and said, “You’re coming with me.” He was smiling in a way I knew well by that...

Gen Z and the Responsibility of a Post-Roe Generation


Forty-nine years ago, when Roe became law, my grandparents were the same age I am today. In one generation, we’ve witnessed the beginning and end of Roe. Within the span of that generation, millions of lives have been lost, countless battles fought, and now the casket containing Roe v. Wade has been nailed shut. Abortion is no longer the law of the land and an unconstitutional ruling of forty...

Missing Milestones: Grieving What You Never Had


June is well underway; graduation parties, proms, grad walks, and ceremonies are all happening around you. For many people, this is exciting and meaningful, a way to mark the beginning of a new chapter in their lives. But for others, this time of year can be hard, because they never got those things. It makes me think of milestones I passed by with little thought. My family had just moved when I...

How Can I Fight Abortion? with Scott Klusendorf


What does the end of Roe v. Wade mean for the pro-life fight? How can we navigate tough conversations with pro-choice activists? What is the most important thing for pro-life advocates to remember? In today’s episode, Sara and pro-life expert Scott Klusendorf (author of The Case for Life) answer all of these questions and more. Get ready to take notes on how to make the pro-life case in less than...

Why Teens Should Think About Death More


I wish people thought about death more. I think it would change the world. Hang on, stick with me. It’s just that this weekend, I witnessed a car accident. I was almost in a car accident. I also grieved the death of a family friend in a skiing accident. And I experienced the fragility of the human body, dealing with unusual brain swelling and lung issues. I’m twenty – we aren’t supposed to...

3 Albums to Listen to this Winter


Winter is all well and good in December – we can dream of a white Christmas (or not, if you live closer to the equator). The chill in the air may be a reminder of hot chocolate at home and presents under the tree. But soon enough, December is past, and we face not only another year, but another few months of cold weather and gray skies. Many of us are also beginning another semester of school and...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →