rebelling against low expectations


The Truth About the “That Girl” TikTok Trend


Social media has this knack of creating trends for us to follow. Whether it’s a harmless (and somewhat embarrassing) trend like sweeping your leg over milk crates or dangerous fads like the Tide Pod challenge, Instagram and TikTok inspire us to try new things, whether for better or for worse. One of the more recent, long-term trends is known as “that girl.” What exactly is the “that girl” trend...

Should We Follow Our Dreams?


I follow my dreams. In fact, you do too. Each day, we form new dreams, develop old ones, and hold them up high as our ultimate destination. I have dreamed of becoming many things—a missionary, a doctor, a mom, a wife, a writer, a singer, and a princess, among other things. Although my dreams have changed with time and age, I have held on tightly to each one, often unwilling to let them go. I’ve...

Stop Filling in Your Planners Like You Control Everything


My schedules and planners say I want to know my future. Don’t we all? We want to know what’s going to go on. We want to know what we are supposed to accomplish. What should I do once I graduate? What friends should I hang out with this week? Should I pursue a writing career, or an engineering one? Should I accept this job in Colorado, or move with my family to Florida? Should I begin this new...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →