rebelling against low expectations

TagGod’s Love

5 Themes From the Psalms


This past year, my two friends and I read through the Psalms. As I read, I noticed many interesting key themes. I learned that the Psalms are very repetitive. The writers are trying to make certain things crystal clear. Today I would like to share five themes I found in the Psalms. Theme #1: God’s Steadfast Love God’s steadfast love is mentioned over 120 times in the Psalms. The phrase “His...

He Prayed for Us: Finding Hope in The Words of Jesus


We all have days when we feel like life is kicking us down and the world is throwing one too many punches. As Rebelutionaries, we want to seriously pursue the spread of the gospel and see the expansion of God’s kingdom, which means the enemy has put a very large, red target on our backs. We daily wrestle against “the world forces of this darkness” and “spiritual forces of wickedness” (Ephesians...

The Self-Centered Nature of Self-Love


Self-love is an ideology that has taken our culture by storm. Messages of “you are enough,” “all you need is yourself,” and “to love others you have to love yourself first,” are plastered all over social media platforms. This idea sounds wonderful on the surface and appeals to the insecurities many of us face. But there are damaging worldview messages packed into these seemingly innocent phrases...

Why “Love Conquers All” Isn’t as Cheesy as It Sounds


What do you think of when you hear the phrase “love conquers all”? For me, it’s Disney movies. The power of love gets so much coverage in fairy-tale retellings. Kissing the princess turns the frog back into a prince, Rapunzel’s tears save her love interest’s life, Belle’s love turns the Beast back into a human and saves his life—there seems to be a pattern here...

Dear Christian, He Will Hold You Fast


Have you ever felt like you were slipping out of Christ’s grasp? That your sin and struggles would push away His love for you and dry up His mercies once and for all? It is easy for my mind to slip into thinking these untrue and unbiblical beliefs, and it’s a depressing and miserable place to be. I often need to remember that when Christ saved me from sin and death, it was not a temporary fix but...

The God Who Pursues You


“When something more than human seeking is needed if seeking is to be satisfied, then calling means that seekers themselves are sought.” –Os Guinness, The Call How many times do you think to yourself “I should seek God more” on a regular day? That question, believe it or not, is not meant to convict you. In fact, I bet you ask yourself that question more often than you think, “God truly seeks me...

Understanding the Eternal Love of God (and How it Changes Us)


“I promise I’m yours… I promise I’ll love you forever and ever and always… to the end of time, I won’t change my mind…” (“Forever and Ever and Always” by Ryan Mack) Staring out the window of the airplane, the words of the love song stabbed me. No one can truly promise me “forever.” Tears springing into my eyes, I remembered the exception to that statement. Jesus… People will leave you...

Should Christians Love Themselves?


I was in my church class on Sunday, and it was almost over. We were about to pray and then be dismissed. One of the girls was praying about our relationship with God. After asking Him to help us love Him more, she added, “And help us to love ourselves too. Because it’s important to do that.” A flood of questions filled my brain. Is that right? Should we love ourselves? And above...

3 Reasons to Rejoice No Matter What


There are many things in life that can get us down. Daily struggles and difficult situations try to steal our joy all the time. This is something I personally have experienced in my life. But God doesn’t want us to live in constant sorrow. In fact, He came so that we might experience His joy even in the middle of our struggles and hard seasons. Here are three reasons we can rejoice in the Lord...

The Beauty of Forgiveness and Freedom from Condemnation


I was depressed and scared. A list of my sins ran through my head, and I couldn’t let go of them. Condemnation gripped me as I thought of all the ways I had done wrong. I was covered by a cloud of gloom and sadness. My joy was gone. But God’s forgiveness is more than all my sins. His divine plan was forgiveness, to free His dear children from condemnation. All I had to do was embrace His grace...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →