In our world today, it can be easy for us to become discouraged as we focus on the circumstances around us and on what we can control and see. Sometimes even more for us as Christians. As society and culture gets further and further away from the Lord, it’s tempting to lose heart—but imperative that we don’t. Walking boldly in an anti-Christian culture isn’t easy. It requires that we put our...
3 Lessons On Seeking God I Learned From Jim and Elisabeth Elliot
Jim and Elisabeth Elliot are two of my heroes. I’ve devoured as many books by Elisabeth Elliot as I can get my hands on and been moved to tears by Jim’s commitment to God—and the tragedy it led to. I’ve read their journal entries and love letters, listened to audio clips from Jim and talks given by Elisabeth. God has used their steadfast devotion to Him to fuel a fire of passion in my own heart...
In Desperate Need of Hope–An Introduction to a New Series
Can you believe we are already well into the third month of 2021? It’s been an exhausting year by just about every definition. A lot of things feel like they’ve been turned upside down and shaken up. There are so many different, pressing issues at hand that I find it difficult to know what specific needs are facing young people going into 2021. Nevertheless, regardless of how COVID-19, stay-at...
Two Truths To Cling to After A Year of COVID
We’re coming up on a year. One year since the pandemic started, one year since stay-at-home orders were issued, one year since the beginning of the craziness. I think we can all agree that the past twelve months were anything but “typical.” If I’m going to be honest with you, I am not excited for the month of March. It’s just countless emotional reminders of what...
Confession of a “Good Christian:” I Struggle Too
What if I got real honest? What if I took a risk? What if I opened up my heart and let you see in? The song was not at all the kind I usually listen to. The music wasn’t mine, but the lyrics hit me deep and I instantly knew what I had to write. There was someone on the other end of my screen who had to hear this. Now, as I sit here, staring at my laptop, watching words appear in clear black on...
Why Putting God First Isn’t Enough
Priorities. We all know what it means to have them, and most of us strive to structure our days accordingly. Any Christian who has been in the church long enough has the head knowledge that God should come before all else. However, is having God as our “top priority” what we ought to be pursuing? Now, don’t get me wrong–of course God should still come first! I am not suggesting that there is...
What Lord Of the Rings Taught Me About Trusting God During Trials
I consider myself a Lord of the Rings nerd. Well, maybe enthusiast is a better word. I don’t know about you, but I am fascinated by talking trees, tiny people with an insane amount of grit, daring escapes, fiery depths, and yes, even a wizard who whispers to moths. But I do not only love this story for these reasons (although they’re all really good reasons). I love this story because...
Christian Introverts: How to Be An Introvert for the Glory of God
So You’re an Introvert? It’s amazing that God has gifted each person with a unique personality type and a natural inclination to a certain way of life. This is why the body of Christ is so special. Believe it or not, introversion can look different in each person and shows itself in different ways. Introverts gain their energy from being alone and thrive off of quiet reflection and time spent...
Dear You, I’m Sorry: A Call to Love Like Christ
The letter you are about to read was written out of the deep desire of my heart to start living a life that loved like Christ loved. A few months ago, I was holding on to my own plans, hopes, and wants so tightly that I was hurting people close to me. However, God in His grace got a hold of my heart and something in me changed. As I started asking Him to help me, He started filling me with a...
3 Ways to Keep Your Faith Strong and Steadfast
A relationship with God takes commitment and investment. We need steadfast faith to keep us in pursuit of the Lord even when life gets difficult. There is no shortage of distractions that seek to subtly pull us away from God. Worldly pressure can ensnare us through intimidation to fit its mold. The lies of the enemy pierce our hearts like arrows with discouragement and deception. Our own flesh...