rebelling against low expectations


You Only Get One Shot At High School


I’ve always wanted to make a difference. I’ve daydreamed about it endlessly. I’ll be envisioning it in class while trying to look engaged in the study on homonyms and proper grammar. I’ll even be in the worship service at church, tuning out the pastor because my head is spinning with the thoughts of working with orphans in Central America or helping provide fresh water in Africa. Those aren’t bad...

4 Lessons For Teens Struggling with Sickness or Physical Suffering


Editor’s Note: This article is longer than most that we usually publish on TheRebelution. Yet Kristin’s piece is unusual – she tells her deeply personal and difficult story of physical suffering and requested we publish it as one post. I encourage you to spend the extra time to read this incredible testimony. — Jaquelle (Editor-in-Chief) Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion...

What If Christians Were More Like Olympians?


I’ve never thought I was an athlete. Yeah, I like to go for a run every once and awhile. I can swim pretty well, and I have a sub-par sense of balance. But when it comes to the dedication, team work, endurance, self-control, and sheer will power to really love a sport, I’ve just never had it. I’ve dreamed of it. I’ve wanted it, but that’s just not who God made me. Or is it? I’m Fascinated...

Be a Christ-Follower First


I don’t have many Twitter followers. Six is the total count as of this writing. This is a dismal number. Twitter Counter is a stats website that keeps track of the people who have the highest follower count in various categories. The top three in the world aren’t all that surprising as they are major faces in the music industry. Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, and Taylor Swift top the list, while the...

Obeying God: Does Doing All This “Christian” Stuff Really Matter?


Last fall, I had to make a decision. Being the first year after my Mom’s fatal car accident made 2013 one of the toughest years of my life, as you could imagine. When grieving loss such as the death of a loved one, or even a lost career, a divorce, a cross-country move, chronic or terminal illness or any kind of major loss or change, the regular pains of life intensify. Last year my family and I...

When My Mom Died of Cancer


In April of 2011 my family heard, “Your mom has advanced stage cancer and one year to live.” Those are words you never want to hear, words you want to block out, acting like you never heard them! They clanged so loudly in my head, jarring my peaceful world…. they couldn’t be true! My mom was my rock who I ran to when I was confused. She always knew what the right thing was...

What Does Success Look Like?


We recently received a message from a young lady named Victoria who has been working tirelessly to rebel against low expectations and inspire others to do hard things — except that nothing she tries ever succeeds. She writes, “I have tried and tried to do hard things right where I am but have run full speed into a brick wall everywhere I turn. What am I doing wrong and what do I do next...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →