rebelling against low expectations


What is a Biblical Christian?


According to a recent 2021 study, while 51% of Americans claim to have a biblical worldview, only 6% actually have a biblical worldview!   Let that sobering number sink in for a minute. If we take our Christianity seriously, and if we really care about the next generation and the spread of the Gospel, then we must ask some hard questions: How does this happen? Am I part of the 6%? Maybe, but...

When Life Happens and You’re Tired — Look Up


“Jesus, I love You…but I’m tired,” Dad sighed, leaning against his headrest, as we sat in our Landcruiser about to head into town. I bit back a smile at the words, so simple, yet so raw and real and honest. We were preparing to run some errands, and already the day had been full of everyday, unpredictable, West-African adventures. The power had gone out not once, not twice, but three times. We...

Why the Gospel Matters — Even if You’re Already Saved


If you’re a Christian, then at some point in the past, you chose belief in the gospel and trusted Jesus Christ with your life. But the effects of the gospel don’t end the moment that you’re saved—in fact, now that you’re a Christian, the gospel is more relevant than ever. Often, Christians think of the gospel as an evangelism tool, something for the unsaved. We’ve...

All Ingredients Work Together for Good


We all love a good cake –a satisfying symphony of flavors, texture, decadence, and a visual show of creativity and affection. Whether at a birthday party, baby shower, or wedding, we all look forward to that highlight moment of indulging in a slice of heavenly sweetness (for it is almost not a celebration without it). If you enjoy baking like me, you’re aware of the time and precision it takes to...

Is My Faith Really My Own?


“You’re the pastor’s daughter, so you probably think you have to do this. It’s, like, your job or something.” This is what I’m told when I share the gospel. When I write pieces about theology and salvation. When I serve in ministries at my church. People, both Christians and non-Christians, assume that because I’m the pastor’s daughter, it must “come naturally” or be “expected of me.” Pastors’...

3 Ways to Prove the Historical Accuracy of The Bible


According to statistics, only 31% of America’s population believes that the Bible is absolutely accurate and should be obeyed word-for-word. 19% believe that the Bible is simply fables, legends, or ancient history, and 47% percent believe that the Bible may be inspired by God but shouldn’t be taken literally. Although so many people have dismissed the Bible as false, how many of them have...

An Unlikely Teacher: Death is Swallowed Up in Victory


This year, I have been working at a church as a summer student. I’ve experienced so many different things, but one that sticks out in my mind was a pastoral visitation I went on with the Assistant Pastor. That morning I had been printing, organizing, and uploading as usual when he came in, pointed at me, and said, “You’re coming with me.” He was smiling in a way I knew well by that...

Though My Affections Grow Dim, God Never Will


Growing up, my parents carted me off to youth group on a weekly basis, until my best friend learned to drive and brought me with her. Being a part of youth group also meant going to youth rallies, which I adored. Some were a day while others were over a weekend, but they all consisted of multiple teaching and preaching sessions, volunteer activities, and worship services. At each one, my heart...

10 Tips for Sharing Your Faith with Unbelievers


Sharing your faith with unbelievers can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are 10 tips to begin sharing your faith with the unbelievers in your life. 1. Listen more than you talk Have you ever noticed a time when you acted like a fantastic listener, saying things like, “yeah” and “mhm” and “right!”, only to find out you didn’t hear a word that person said? As a society, we’re...

The Radical Story of John Allen Chau


I walked into my chiropractor’s office, expecting nothing more than a normal spinal adjustment. But God knew my back wasn’t the only part of me that needed correction. A magazine in the waiting room caught my eye. When I saw one of the headlines on the cover, I snatched it up. Why would a secular magazine publish the story of a controversial Christian? I heard about John Allen Chau when news of...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →