rebelling against low expectations

TagDo Hard Things

“Helping Teens Do Hard Things–How I Saved $20K by Age 20


I saved over $20,000 in 4 years. I was working full-time doing lawn care, while also playing football and finishing up my homeschooling. I was born into a family of eleven kids, and money was not always easy to come by. My siblings and I often had to work from a young age to help support our family, and when I was sixteen, I began working full-time when my dad became disabled. When I started...

Our World is in Chaos—Keep Your Eyes on the Cross


My mom and I were at Fred Myer buying seeds for our garden. We both had masks on—and I was also wearing my sunglasses (for some reason, I had forgotten to take them off as we were entering the store). Now for some time, it had been my usual routine to verbally vent to those around me (usually my mom) about how my mask kept me from vital access to oxygen. “I can’t breathe!” I would exclaim...

Do The Right Thing, Even When It’s the Hardest Thing


What comes to mind when you hear the word hero? Do you see a man or woman with biceps the size of a soccer-ball flying through the air, cape floating behind them and fist leading the way? Or, do you think of someone who has had a significant impact on your life, such as a parent or teacher that helped you achieve or overcome something? It seems like everyone wants to be a hero. Everyone wants to...

The Do Hard Things Community Broke Their Focus Sprint Record


They did it. They broke the record! Last month, Rebelutionaries on the Do Hard Things Community set a record by Focus Sprinting for over 40 hours. You’re probably asking, “What in the world is a ‘Focus Sprint’?” Good question. Participants of a Focus Sprint will block distractions and focus on their work for a short amount of time to complete the things they need to do. On the DHT online...

Why You Can (And Should) Seize the Day


Carpe diem: Seize the day. Recently, I watched the movie Dead Poets Society and it left that phrase, Carpe Diem, bouncing around in my mind. The saying challenged me to rethink how I live, because generally, I don’t seize the day. It seemed like something I should be doing. Something that would better my life and increase my impact on the world. But I wasn’t exactly sure how to seize the day, or...

4 Things The World Doesn’t Expect From Teenagers


There’s a new generation arising. Some call us the iGen or Generation Z. Others refer to us as postmillennials. We’re the heartbeat of this century. We’re known as coffee shop loving, selfie taking, video game playing, fun-loving individuals. Who are we? We’re teenagers. A lot of people have a lot of opinions about us. But few automatically label us as passionate Jesus followers. I’m out to...

8 Things to Do to Stay Productive During Your Quarantine


For the first couple weeks of my quarantine, everything was going great. I had a lot of time to relax since I didn’t have to run to extracurricular activities and classes. And, being homeschooled, staying at home a lot of the day was pretty normal. But then, I got hit with depression, lack of motivation, and boredom. Since I couldn’t get out of the house, I ran out of things to do! It was so easy...

How to Cultivate the Fruit of the Spirit During the Coronavirus


We’re all being directly affected by the Coronavirus, and many of us are homebound. We went from a busy schedule of church, school, work, and extracurricular activities to an empty social calendar and nowhere to go. With so much concentrated time together under pretty dire circumstances, it doesn’t take much to get on each other’s nerves. Siblings’ loud playtime during school hours, antsy pets...

100 Hard Things Quarantine Style (and other news)


In Case You Missed It #1 Over the weekend, The Rebelution released two video readings from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe on our Do Hard Things Facebook page in celebration of Easter. #2 We published an article asking the question HOW SHOULD WE RESPOND TO DISAPPOINTMENT? by Michael Longerbeam #3 And, one of our writers, Elizabeth Davis has published an excellent piece on FIGHTING...

5 Ways to Serve God During Quarantine


Right now, many people across the world are either quarantined or just simply avoiding going anywhere. We are hearing phrases like “social- distancing” or “self-quarantine,” which really mean that we are avoiding contact with anyone. Schools are online, businesses are either shutting down or running online, events are being cancelled, and everything seems to be quite a mess. Through all of this...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →