rebelling against low expectations


Your Best Is Enough


“Give me 110%!” the coaches yell from the sideline. It always bothers me when people say that. Though math isn’t my strong suit, 100% is complete. That’s all someone has to give. The extra 10% isn’t something people have. I mean, I understand people who say that are often just trying to be motivating, encouraging, and inspirational. I’ve also learned the hard way that even when we feel like we...

Listen and Surrender to God


Why are you here? By that I mean, what’s your purpose in life – for what reason are you alive? To grow up? To obey the rules? To go to college? To work for a few years and then retire? To have fun until you’re too weak to go on? To die? Or as a Christian, to say the sinners’ prayer and then try your best to follow God’s rules? Is that why you’re here? Why are you here? Growing up, first in a...

Wherever You Are, Be All There


As humans on earth, we sure spend a lot of time waiting, don’t we? Waiting for the bus, waiting for the microwave, waiting to be tall enough to ride the rollercoaster… plus some more serious things. Waiting is good! Waiting is an opportunity to learn patience, to prepare for whatever we’re waiting for, and to learn to trust God with His timing. There are some things in life, though, that I...

6 Tips to Memorize God’s Word Better


My memorization journey really began in 2009, when I signed up for the National Bible Bee competition. That first year, I probably didn’t memorize more than a hundred verses — and my motivation was definitely no higher than the $25,000 Primary division prize. But by God’s grace, over the past eight years I’ve grown so much — both in faith and in memorization ability...

What If Christians Were More Like Olympians?


I’ve never thought I was an athlete. Yeah, I like to go for a run every once and awhile. I can swim pretty well, and I have a sub-par sense of balance. But when it comes to the dedication, team work, endurance, self-control, and sheer will power to really love a sport, I’ve just never had it. I’ve dreamed of it. I’ve wanted it, but that’s just not who God made me. Or is it? I’m Fascinated...

How Do I Keep My Mind Clean?


“Help! Evil thoughts keep rising up and attacking me! I can’t stop it!” Does this ever describe how you feel? Do unwanted thoughts keep popping into your mind no matter how hard you resist them? Welcome to the club. Just about everybody can identify with you, to some degree or another. Whether it is sexual temptations, lies about identity, hatred toward others or self, ill-will toward...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →