rebelling against low expectations


3 Truths for The Teenager Worried About Money


How do I pay for Christmas gifts? How do I pay for gas? How will I support myself when I graduate? What job should I get? Have I saved enough for college? Should I take out student loans? Is my budget realistic? What will happen if I accidentally mess up my taxes? We have endless questions (and fears) about finances. I was terrified as I prepared to move out and support myself for the first time...

Why “Growing Up” is Scary (And 3 Ways to Battle Adulting Anxiety)


“You’re going to be an adult in less than a year.” I’ll never forget the day I realized there were only a few months until I would turn eighteen. Only a few months until I would be a legal adult, which meant I needed to start acting like one. I needed to “grow up.” For some, the idea of “growing up” means freedom–you can do whatever you want, no longer under parental restraints. Personally...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →