rebelling against low expectations

AuthorDiscussion Questions

are submitted by real rebelutionaries who are looking for godly answers to tough questions and lively conversation with other young adults. You can join the conversation by commenting below. If you'd like to submit your own discussion question, email us at [email protected].

What are some of your favorite sermons?


JAQUELLE WRITES: Sermons are such powerful tools that God uses to teach us. I can think back on specific sermons from conferences or from my pastor (who’s also my dad) that deeply affected me and convicted me of sin or inspired me in godliness. What are some sermons you’ve heard (from famous or unknown preachers) that have ministered to you? Why? Share Your Thoughts in the Comment...

How do you fight laziness?


CHRISTINA WRITES: I love being active and getting things done, but so often battle the want to do nothing. I hate having the regret at the end of the day that I wasted time… time I won’t be given back. I know we are called to rest, but how do you fight the want to do nothing? I know that in my head, I don’t actually want to do nothing. I know I will end up disappointed later...

How can I practice self control?


ANONYMOUS WRITES: I’m an obsessive person, and self-control is a regular struggle for me. Whether it’s a particular artist or movie or food, it’s so easy to be self-indulgent and get addicted. How can I actively practice self-control? What Scripture or advice can you share with me? Share Your Thoughts in the Comment Section! There are currently 7 Comment(s) Have something else you’d like to...

What’s an area you’re serving in that costs you something?


ROSE WRITES: There are lots of areas that I really enjoy serving in. I enjoy making dinner so my mom doesn’t have to. I enjoy singing on my church’s music team. But there are other areas of service that are more painful and uncomfortable for me – like serving in my church’s nursery. They cost me something. I have to sacrifice comfort and ease and enjoyment. Are there areas like that for you? What...

When was a time you left your comfort zone to do something hard?


J. WRITES: There’s a part in Do Hard Things where Brett and Alex talk about the benefit of leaving your comfort zone to do something hard. There is a story I remember from it about a girl who vowed to go to the park and share the gospel with whomever was there – even though it made her nervous. Instead of finding a mom with a stroller (like she was expecting), she found a group of burly...

How do you avoid an addiction to social media?


ANONYMOUS WRITES: I’m relatively new to the social media game, and I don’t think I’m addicted to it. At least, not yet. The thing is, I’ve heard about so many people who get obsessed with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. and they become addicted to it. How do I guard myself against wasting time on or getting unhealthily connected to social media? Share Your Thoughts in the Comment Section...

How do you finish the school year strong?


ALLIE WRITES: It’s April… the sun is out where I live, the weather is warming up, and my pencil erasers are ground to mere stubs. I still have a few weeks of schoolwork left, however. I often find myself not giving my best to my last few tests and quizzes. How can I finish the school year with purpose and passion? Share Your Thoughts in the Comment Section! There are currently 7...

How should I think about emotions?


ANONYMOUS WRITES: I know that God made us as emotional beings and that our feelings aren’t inherently bad. But I also know that my emotions can be deceptive and trick me into thinking certain things that aren’t true. For example, there are days I wake up just feeling sad, even though there’s no reason to. How do I manage my emotions for God’s glory? What do I do when...

Do you have any daily rituals? What are they?


J. WRITES: I love to hear about different people’s daily rituals and schedules. I’m reading a book about famous writers’ rituals, and it gives a fascinating window into their lives and highlights what was most important to them. What are the things you do every day or very regularly? Do they make you more productive? Why do you do them? Share Your Thoughts in the Comment Section...

What makes you happy today?


ROSE WRITES: Routinely my mom asks me what makes me happy right now. Sometimes it’s a particular book I’m reading. Sometimes it’s a great thing that happened today. Sometimes it’s what I ate for dinner. These times always make me more grateful to God for His blessings. What makes you happy today? What blessings have God given you? Share Your Thoughts in the Comment Section...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →