rebelling against low expectations

AuthorDiscussion Questions

are submitted by real rebelutionaries who are looking for godly answers to tough questions and lively conversation with other young adults. You can join the conversation by commenting below. If you'd like to submit your own discussion question, email us at [email protected].

How can I honor God by running for class president?


KIRSTEN WRITES: I’m running for class president. How do I run a campaign that’s pleasing to God? What are some points that I should talk about? Share Your Thoughts in the Comment Section! There are currently 7 Comment(s) Have something else you’d like to discuss? Just submit your question or topic (and any elaboration you’d like to provide) using our Submit Content Page...

What is gossip?


ERICA WRITES: This question may seem quite simple to answer but I still haven’t got my head around it. What exactly is gossiping? I’ve had a few conversations with my friends about whether saying bad or untrue things about someone is gossiping or if gossip is just simply talking about someone behind their back. I still haven’t received a solid answer. Share Your Thoughts in the...

How can I honor my parents?


MADELEINE WRITES: I love my parents so much, and I acknowledge that God has put them in my life for a reason. I know I’m supposed to honor them and obey them, and by doing that I’m honoring my Father in heaven. But I find myself doing the opposite by talking back and being sarcastic and mean. My mom and I haven’t had the greatest relationship as I’ve grown up. We just got...

Should I use social media?


EMILY WRITES: It seems like everything these days involves social media. Since I’m not on Facebook, Twitter, or Snapchat, it seems like I never know about big events or anything that my friends are doing. I want to use social media to communicate with my friends, but I also want to stay away from the negative influences that social media can have. I also don’t want to spend so much time on...

How should we deal with advancing technology?


OLIVIA WRITES: Recently, I watched a show with my family in which a building was controlled completely by computers and tech. When a virus infected it, the building’s systems went crazy; the doors locked, the power generators caught on fire, and if it weren’t for the team of geniuses in the building who saved them all, everyone would have been killed. This might sound crazy, but this...

How do you fix a broken friendship?


A. WRITES: I have a friend who I have known for many years. We used to go to the same church when we were younger but now we rarely see each other or talk to each other. When I do see her, it is hard to talk to her because she has changed since she started high school. I can’t relate to her anymore, but I still want to be her friend. How do you fix a broken friendship? Share Your Thoughts...

How can I prepare for a mission trip?


AMANDA WRITES: I’m about to go on a mission trip to Uganda. I’m super excited to be able to encourage the believers there and share what I’ve learned in my walk with Christ! I’ve been to Southeast Asia before, but it wasn’t for a mission trip. I’m wondering how I and the team I’m going with can be effective as we enter a culture that is completely foreign...

How do I exercise to the glory of God?


JOHN WRITES: I care about being attractive, to the point where I bring up my height and how buff (or not buff as is more likely the case) I am in most of my conversations with my friends and have a hard time not comparing myself to other people. I feel like my desire for other people to find me attractive has grown to the point where it is now an idol. This really puts me in a hard spot...

How should we respond to “Christian” praise?


MEGAN WRITES: I really struggle with pride a lot – and I can even struggle with feeling prideful about being “humble” (which isn’t really humility at all). Pride is an area of my life I’m praying through and I feel like God is working to change me, but I still have a long, LONG way to go. I’m still very weak in this area. My question is this: If someone pays me a compliment such as, “You...

Does it matter what others think of us?


ELI WRITES: Should I care what people think if I am following God to the best of my ability? Should our actions be manipulated by the way society views our decisions? If this is the case, then I am burdened by society and inhibited in what I can and cannot do. I would suffer these restrictions because of what someone else has done, what someone else thinks, or what society would say I’m...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →