rebelling against low expectations

6 (More) Do’s and Don’ts for Girl/Guy Relationships


I’ll never forget the first time a guy asked me out. Well, at least I think he was asking me out. One mid-summer afternoon, he walked into the office where I worked. After a few minutes of small-talk, plus scheduling an appointment, he leaned against the door, quirked a brow, and remarked, “Man, that Chinese food across the street smells good.” I inhaled. I couldn’t smell a thing. “Would you like...

Six Do’s and Don’ts For Guy/Girl Relationships


“Guess who contacted me…again?” My friend showed me her phone screen. I peered at the message. “Oh no. Not again. Really?” For over a year, a young man my friend knew had been randomly Facebook messaging her. At first she thought he might be interested in her, but after sporadic, odd messages with no seeming purpose to them, she was beginning to think he was just weird. Or really, really lonely...

Your Faithful Service Matters—Defining True Ministry


A year ago, I entered the ranks of the working world, and got a job. And not just any job—a “best in town” kind of job that most people only dream of, with a kind boss and flexible hours. But unfortunately, it wasn’t the job I wanted. While I methodically filed papers and made phone calls, I dreamed of the day when I’d be able to leave the drudgery of a “normal job” and do what I really wanted to...

The Hard Thing of Vulnerability


I’m afraid of vulnerability. I’ve always been the strong one. Always tried to have it all together—my actions, attitudes, emotions, circumstances: my life. I cover up my fear with excuses. It’s just my personality. With the right people—in the right circumstances, at the right time—I can be vulnerable too. People need me to be strong. I’ve even bought into the lie that I need to appear strong...

Social Media: 4 Ways Teens Can Help Change the Culture


In 2004, the world changed. Facebook arrived on the scene, and life as we knew it was never to be the same again. The year 2006 saw another explosion on the social media front-lines—Twitter. Instagram and Pinterest joined the frenzy in 2010, as people began Pinning and ‘Gram-ing their lives, and likes, for all their devoted followers to see. And let’s not even add YouTube and Snapchat to...

3 Ways to Combat the Sin of Familiarity


I’ve always known about Jesus. From the time I was old enough to understand, I learned about creation, the cross, the resurrection, and the power and love of God. My parents lovingly took me to church, and Sunday school as a baby, toddler, and curly haired five-year-old. I recognized sin, and knew it was part of my life. I remember praying a prayer in my bed one morning, a little girl who wanted...

Don’t Waste the Suffering


Sometimes brokenness, tragedy, and suffering are just words. Empty and meaningless. Other times, they have a face and name—a heart and life behind them. On February 15th, as I drove to work, each word took on form as I heard on the radio about the horrific school shooting in Florida. Yet again, devastation and heartbreak personified. Tragedy upon tragedy heaped themselves in my mind. The...

5 Reasons I’m Thankful I’m Still Single


2017 was supposed to be the year. Long ago, when my current age seemed fathomless years away and positively ancient, I determined 2017 would be the perfect time to meet my future husband. I had it all planned. We’d meet early in the year, fall madly in love, and end the year beautifully with a proposal on my birthday at the end of December. Which would obviously give me the perfect amount of time...

God Wants More of You


Surrender. It’s a beautiful thing. Beautiful, yet difficult. Like every Christian, I battle with this. Flesh warring against Spirit. I’ve sensed my human, sinful instinct to rebel rise up within me. I’ve felt the aching, grasping need to control, along with frustration when I realize I can’t. But above all that, I’ve felt peace, joy, and inexplicable beauty in letting go. The freedom of...

Students, You Can Change Your Nation


“As goes the will of the students, so goes the will of the nation.” On February 6th, 1943, the students of Amsterdam were forced to make a life-altering decision: sign a declaration of loyalty to the Nazi regime, or be subjected to forced labor for the glory and advancement of the Third Reich. Hans Poley—teenager, student, Rebelutionary—was one of the few to stand strong. He refused to sign...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →