rebelling against low expectations

AuthorRyan Minner

Ryan Minner formerly held New Age beliefs and became a Christian at the age of 25. He is the Texas State Coordinator for Grace Without Borders Ministries and shares the Gospel with incarcerated men and women in the State of Texas.

The Problem with “That’s Your Truth”


I was staring at my phone, waiting for a message from my good friend. I felt pretty confident about the last text message I had sent him. I was proud of myself; it was so well thought out and full of truth. Finally, my friend’s message came through. Upon reading it I was suddenly filled with frustration and anger. “Well, Ryan,” it read. “We are both just on different paths, headed to the same...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →