rebelling against low expectations

AuthorMolly McTernan

is an aspiring author who writes with one desire: to glorify the Creator. When Molly isn't writing, she can be found reading, playing her violin, or spending time with her family and many pets. You can find her online at where she blogs about writing and faith.

Want to Read Your Bible More? (3 Tips to Get you Started)


For one of my birthdays a few years ago, my grandparents bought me a journal Bible. Since then, I’ve made reading my Bible every day a priority and it has positively changed me in many ways. There’s no doubt that reading the Bible is important. I’ve learned so much about God and have a deeper understanding of biblical accounts and the meaning of various passages. His Word has impacted people for...

Three Firsts of Christ (and Three of Our Lasts)


During the holiday season, people usually start thinking about firsts. With the current year coming to a close and the new one right around the corner, thousands of enthusiasts around the world create resolutions they hope to fulfill. While making a list of things you hope to accomplish is a great idea, the amount of people who actually stick with and complete those goals is fairly thin. This...

3 Tips for Increasing (and Strengthening) Your Prayer Time


You’re lying in bed, trying to fall asleep. Slowly, your mind begins to wander back to all the day’s events. You went to school, maybe a sports practice, and hung out with some friends. As you roll over onto your side, beginning to grow tired, it suddenly hits you: you haven’t prayed yet today! Immediately, guilt washes over your conscience. However, your eyelids are getting heavy, and you don’t...

The Importance of Awe


I have always loved morning walks. The sun is coming up and the world is just beginning to stir. A light dew sits over the plants, and water droplets on spider webs cause me to stand in amazement. In fact, the intricate, delicate strings of the web cause me to be more than amazed—they cause me to be awed. Hold out your hand and bend your fingers. Look outside and see a breeze rustle through tree...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →