rebelling against low expectations

AuthorMadison Wilcox

is a student pursuing her B.A. in English in the sunny South. She has a passion for words and a mission to share the mercy of God with others through writing. She also finds intense delight in the outdoors and hopes to be able to confidently describe herself as a runner someday. You can read more of her work at

Write by Faith, Not by Sight: Writing as Practice in Gospel Living


Whenever I sit down at my desk to write, I face a sudden and intense battle. Accusations flock to my mind; I imagine the miserable sentences I may cough up on the page; I watch my readers’ eyes rolling, or worse, scanning through my work only to turn the page or click the next link after a few seconds. My courage withers and falters among these intrusive thoughts. They wring my creativity dry;...

How to Approach Ambition as a Christian This Summer


As I anticipate the summer ahead, a familiar thought fights for my attention: maybe this will be the summer I finally get it together. Maybe this summer I will finally work out consistently. Maybe I’ll become a runner and be stronger than I ever imagined. I can see myself—tan and lean, powering up the hills, my breath as steady and silent as if I were sitting in a lawn chair on the back patio...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →