rebelling against low expectations

AuthorLydiyah Morris

is sixteen and the oldest of ten siblings, seven girls and three boys. She is homeschooled and part of a God-fearing Christian home. With a passion for reading and writing, Lydiyah can often be found tucked away in a corner writing and reading in between school, spending time with siblings, and work. In her spare time, she also practices hand lettering and weaving.

What Modesty Is, And Why It Matters to God


When people hear the term modesty, they often think of it merely as a list of rules for covering one’s body. However, true modesty is less about covering and more about revealing the dignity that comes from salvation in Jesus. Modesty is about glorifying God and His Holy Spirit in us. And only one aspect of that is manifested by our attire. Choosing to wear modest clothes is a service of...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →