rebelling against low expectations

AuthorKirsten Presley

is a 17 year old from a small town in Minnesota. She has a deep seated love for kids, books, spring, and waking up at the crack of dawn. She hopes to speak in youth groups one day as well as invest in middle schoolers for her career by teaching and counseling them.

5 Things That Winter Taught Me About God


The first snow fall in Minnesota creates a buzz of excitement. Christmas music turns on, fires are kindled, and laughter echoes from the kids sledding in the neighborhood. But now it’s February. Heads start to hang. We speak the words of David when we ask, “How long, O Lord?” (Psalm 13:1) How long must the sun be hidden and the ice cold wind cut through me like a knife? It was fun in December...

Stop Today and Treasure God’s Blessings


“Time flies.” We’ve probably heard that phrase a million times in a million different ways. I heard it consistently growing up, but I never understood what it meant. To a kid, time goes about as fast as a giant tortoise can climb Mt. Everest. At least, that’s how I felt—until my junior year of high school. It seemed that all of a sudden my calendar filled and chaos ensued. Every night...

You Only Get One Shot At High School


I’ve always wanted to make a difference. I’ve daydreamed about it endlessly. I’ll be envisioning it in class while trying to look engaged in the study on homonyms and proper grammar. I’ll even be in the worship service at church, tuning out the pastor because my head is spinning with the thoughts of working with orphans in Central America or helping provide fresh water in Africa. Those aren’t bad...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →