rebelling against low expectations

AuthorJoshua Reid

“Christian. Writer. Historian. Joshua Reid is a longtime Christian and one who is still trying to figure it all out. A writer who doesn’t mind asking questions until he finds the answer, Joshua enjoys writing stories that seek to honor the Father. He enjoys writing historical fiction, Contemporary, and alternate history. Having a deep love for the past, Joshua enjoys studying the past; especially when it pertains to the Bible. If you want to know more about Joshua, you can find him at his website and Instagram.

How to Walk in Boldness in a World That Rejects Us


In our world today, it can be easy for us to become discouraged as we focus on the circumstances around us and on what we can control and see. Sometimes even more for us as Christians. As society and culture gets further and further away from the Lord, it’s tempting to lose heart—but imperative that we don’t. Walking boldly in an anti-Christian culture isn’t easy. It requires that we put our...

Keep Seeking God In a Stress-filled World


When COVID-19 struck and forced everyone to be quarantined in their homes, I, like most young people undoubtedly, began to panic and grow anxious about what I was going to do about school, extracurricular activities, and much more. I couldn’t do the activities I wanted to do out of fear of what could happen. But more than just hindering my daily activities, I also let my fear stop me from seeking...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →