rebelling against low expectations

AuthorJoanne S

is a teenage girl, living as a missionary overseas in Europe, whose goal in life is to glorify God in all that she does. She loves writing, reading, and talking about God with other people. When not reading or writing, she's spending time with her family and friends. You can subscribe to her newsletter here.

Why “I’ll Do it Later” is Problematic


Recently, I participated in a play with my classmates. The theme was the relationship between God and humans. I played the part of an average human. In the play, the human is lying on the couch when their phone dings. There are two notifications, one from God, and one from their friends. Do you know what they did? The human ignores God’s invitation to be together, and instead, goes to their...

The Beauty of Rejection


In the movies, books, and tv shows, when the main character auditions for something, they almost always get the role, get the job, or even if rejected, chances are, they get accepted later on. But the truth is, rejection is real, and it’s a whole lot more common than they make it out to be in the movies. We’re not guaranteed acceptance. When we audition for something, when we ask someone to be...

Getting Our Priorities in Order


In the middle of my semester finals season, I was studying when I looked up and realized just how tired I was. I was burnt out, unmotivated, and overwhelmed by stress. But I kept studying, kept doing what I was doing, because I needed the grades. That was my priority –studying nonstop and getting good grades. Because I made that my top priority during those two months of my exams, I ended up...

Is God Your First Option or Your Last?


There are so many sources of worry and anxiety in our lives –auditions, interviews, school, sports games, moving, and more. Chances are, when things make your life harder, making you worried or sad, you go to your friends or family to talk about it with them. I completely understand your reasoning for this. I mean, my friends are often in the same situation as me, so they’re the ones who can...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →