rebelling against low expectations

AuthorChristopher Witmer

is the 24-year-old Editor-in-Chief for Originally from Northern Minnesota, he lives with his family in Los Angeles where they moved to plant inner-city churches. He loves sports, travel, and music, but his passion is writing for God and lifting high the name of Jesus through his writing.

“What If My Life Is a Failure?” Dealing with Anxiety and Fear


“Next episode playing in 15…14…13…” I turned my head to see my alarm clock across the room. The big red “2:00 am” glared at me through the darkness. I knew staying up late watching Netflix was a terrible habit. I knew I was gonna hate myself in the morning, but the distraction was too enticing at the moment. Besides, it wasn’t like I’d be able to sleep anyways. Tomorrow the cycle...

Why Jesus Doesn’t Always Stop Your Suffering


“Stop suffering!” reads the words emblazoned across the front of a church building not too far away from my home in L.A. I can’t say I know the people who put those words up because I’ve never even stepped foot inside the building. I don’t know what denomination the church is a part of or the heart of the people attending it. I’m sure they’re good people with love and hearts even bigger than mine...

Counterintuitive Advice for Guys about Lust


I’ve got a question for you guys: Is it possible for young men to get through their teen years free from lust? Or what about this: Is it possible for a young man to find such a deep level of freedom that if he saw an immodestly dressed woman getting harassed on the street, he would be able to help her without lusting or would it be too much of a temptation? Or maybe he should run away, since...

4 Things Teens Must Do to Rock the New Year


Whew! We’ve made it! It’s the beginning of a fresh and exciting NEW YEAR! If you’re like me, January feels like a beautifully clean slate God graciously gives us every year. Imagine if we were stuck in one drawn-out never-ending mistake-riddled year? Ugh. Just the thought of it is dampening my new year vibe. Praise God! We’ve been given a chance to reboot and start afresh...

A Letter From the Editor-In-Chief


The moment I first got connected with Brett Harris and The Rebelution will forever be imprinted in my mind. I was seventeen and sitting in my friends’ living room in the middle of Chiang Mai, Thailand when I randomly remembered I had a Twitter account. “Ha, I should see what’s happening on Twitter,” I thought to myself. Despite my lack of Twitter intelligence at the time, I somehow managed to...

Why Great Girls Turn Down Great Guys (and Why You’re Not an Idiot for Asking)


“Something must be wrong with me.” That’s what every guy is tempted to think when a girl turns down his request for a date. “She’s great and doesn’t like me,” we think. “Therefore, something must be wrong with me that needs to be fixed.” To our logic-oriented male brains, this is the only plausible explanation. It doesn’t make sense to us why two high caliber people couldn’t make a great couple...

6 Things I Learned from the ReMind Conference


Most of us struggle with sharing our faith. Sometimes, it’s because we’re too shy or too embarrassed. Other times, we just plain don’t know how or are unsure of what we actually believe, so we hesitate and often remain silent. I bring this up because last summer I had the privilege of attending the reMind Conference hosted by Ravi Zacharias International Ministries in Detroit. Being an RZIM...

Three Reasons We Can Believe the Bible is True


The Bible is considered essential to the Christian life. We call it the “Word of God” and say it’s “inspired.” We talk about having “daily devotions” like we talk about “having dinner.” We question the rightness of an act by whether it’s “biblical” or not. In fact, if you’ve grown up in a Christian home, you likely have little hints of the Bible all around you. The Bible is really important to...

What Scares You the Most?


See part 1 of this post here. I have a question for you: What is holding you back from following God with all your heart? Perhaps nothing is. If so, that’s great! Keep it up! But some of us just can’t make up our minds about what to do with our lives. Others know what they should do, but don’t have the time or finances to get started. If you’re like me, the big problem–the thing keeping you...

Christianity Isn’t Boring


Do you ever get bored with your Christian life? Do you ever feel like something is missing? Surely there is more to following Christ than merely avoiding bad movies on Friday and showing up at church on Sunday. And is wearing cross-laden t-shirts and carrying your Bible to school in front of your peers the sum of being the “Light of the World”? Does it ever feel like God sucks all of the...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →