rebelling against low expectations

AuthorCaleb Ellis

is an MK living in East Africa. He is the site manager and an author at Light Unto Darkness. He likes writing, playing the guitar, and filming. His favorite Bible verses are Romans 8:28-29. He wishes to grow in his relationship with Christ, and to share the good news with others.

Gross Soup, Served with a Lesson on Obedience


“But I don’t want to eat it,” whispered my younger self to my dad who was sitting next to me. On my lap sat a bowl of the later branded ‘chicken poop soup’ in all its grotesque congealed glory. The chunks of chicken intestine were not cleaned, so paired with the cooked feces, it radiated a wretched odor. “You have to,” dad whispered back, spooning some for himself. “It would be disrespectful not...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →