rebelling against low expectations

AuthorAndrea Guachalla

is a Christian scientist, writer and entrepreneur who does missionary work in Bolivia and manages content at Tasting the Ocean Ministry. She is passionate about sound theology, and seeing life, politics, and global culture from a Christian worldview. You can follow her work here.

Dear Teen, Don’t Isolate Yourself (Why You Need People)


A couple of weeks ago something strange happened. I was sitting in church, listening to the sermon, struggling to pay attention to what was being said. All I could think of was that I was anxious. Anxious about what my immediate and distant future would bring, and how little control I had over my own life. I had felt anxious before, of course. But this time I was caught by surprise by my reaction...

5 Confessions of An Ex-Feminist


It was my second year of college and I was taking a class on public health. The professor had an interesting idea and asked the class to meditate for a couple of minutes and write about their life-long plans, goals, and desires for the future. I don’t remember what the connection between public health and our plans was, but I followed his instructions anyway. By the end of the time we were given...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →