rebelling against low expectations

AuthorAbbey Lancaster

Abbey Lancaster is a 18 year old Christian book addict, wanna be writer, loyal Rahab Ministries volunteer and Southern-Belle-Who-Somehow-Got-Transplanted-To-Ohio. She tries to not have books scattered everywhere, reserve more than 40 holds at a time from the library, or forget to do anything besides read. She blogs about life, not going to college, and her faith at

Do Hard Things Ruined My Life


I was a nice, settled homeschooled girl. I was safe in my little bubble of Christian, homeschooled teens. I was given a book called Do Hard Things. It ruined my life. I started volunteering at a ministry for women afflicted by human trafficking, drugs and abuse. It was difficult, painful and stressful. I thought that once I broke the proverbial sound barrier, it would be easy. That after the...

rebelling against low expectations

The Rebelution is a teenage rebellion against low expectations—a worldwide campaign to reject apathy, embrace responsibility, and do hard things. Learn More →