Editor’s Note: as TheReb as an active site draws to a close, we wanted to give as many rebelutionaries as possible a chance to share how the movement has impacted them. Our hope is that as you read the following testimonials, you will be encouraged to live out the message of TheReb—rebelling against society’s low expectations and doing hard things for the glory of God—even after it closes. Stay tuned over the next four weeks (Tuesdays and Thursdays) to see more posts like this one as we celebrate 19 years of TheRebelution!
“The Rebelution has strengthened and challenged me so much in my walk with the Lord. I was reading Jaquelle Crowe’s book, “This Changes Everything,” and I was so amazed that teenagers, who usually are labeled and given a way out of spiritual growth, could be on fire for the Lord. I discovered the Reb through Jaquelle’s book, and I began reading articles and devouring every submission! I was encouraged to find that I was not the only teen who truly loved God and longed for a revival. My first (and only!) article was published in April of 2024, and I was so blessed by Tabitha’s kind words and encouragement. I was so happy that my words could be used by God to build others up…. Thank you, all of you, for the hard work you have put into the Rebelution, and I pray that you will be able to strengthen and challenge those around you in their faith. Our Lord Jesus is faithful in every season. God bless you!” – Joanna Coleman
“The Reb has really helped me grow my relationship with God! I really wish I had found this site when I was younger.” – Logan Sonnenfeld
“The fact that TheReb is no longer going to be active is so sad for me, especially as I just discovered it in the past few months. After participating in CWW earlier this year, I decided I had better check out the book Do Hard Things as it was written by one of the authors featured in the video (well that, and the fact that all the sudden I was noticing this book everywhere: the library, book sales, a teacher’s house! I think God was trying to tell me something!). After reading the book, I also decided to check out the website. Before discovering Do Hard Things, CWW, and TheRebelution, I already knew that teens could do things that they were perhaps never capable of. However, I had never actually considered what kind of hard thing I was capable of. But after I discovered them, I did some soul-searching. Because of the encouragement from these resources, I’ve started my own blog (https://mlodyroses.wixsite.com/roses-in-a-thorny-wo), found several like-minded teens who I now call friends, and discovered what calling I think the Lord has for me (writer, violinist, and pastor’s wife . . . if I can find a young pastor, anyways). Beyond that, I’ve been doing deeper study in the Bible, not only for my writing, but also for my own personal growth. There are so many more verses that are popping out at me and teaching me things I’ve never thought of before. I’ve never felt this on fire about my faith before! More than that, my introverted self is beginning to come out of its shell, as I’m longing to find more Christian teens who also want to make an impact on our world. I’m sad to know that TheReb will no longer be an active website, but I’m so glad for the way it and its sister resources have enabled me to grow personally. Thank you to the wonderful team who has made this website possible, and for the impact y’all have made in my life!” -Melody Polar
“How do I summarize the Reb’s impact on my life in a paragraph? I first read Sara Starkey’s book, Love Riot, about two years ago. When I decided to check out the site she kept mentioning, I couldn’t believe what I had stumbled upon! It was a literal answer to prayer to find such a large group of young people who had mature faiths and stood uncompromised for God. The Reb gave me a community in a time when I had few people around me to help me grow in my faith. After months of praying, writing, and editing, I finally sent in an article for publication, the first time I had ever tried to be published as a writer. I remember jokingly complaining to my mom about waiting the requested “three to four weeks” for the Reb to tell me whether I would be published. Just hours after making that comment, I received a confirmation email saying my article would be published! It had been just over a week since I had sent my article! It was such an exciting weekend for me and my family and friends. I have since had two more articles published on the Reb, and each has been so special. I have also had the joy of connecting with other young, like-minded writers and following their blogs, especially since I have just recently launched my own blog (remnantblog.wixsite.com/blog). The Reb has been a testimony of the incredible work God is doing in our generation. I am beyond grateful for what the Reb has done in my own life and how it has helped me grow as a writer and as a Christian. While I am devastated that it is ending, I know that the impact and the message of the Rebelution will continue to live on. Let’s keep doing hard things, Rebelutionaries!” -Olivia Tracey
“I was fourteen when I was gifted a copy of Do Hard Things, and I have cherished the book and its message since. Over the last six years, The Rebelution (and the books published alongside the Reb) has given me so much encouragement, thoughts to ponder, and spiritual insight. I have learned so much about using social media for God’s glory, the joy of singleness, pursuing holiness, and countless other topics. Through the many articles and weekly Saturday ancedotes from Sara Starkey, you have helped me wade through dealing with anxiety, struggles with sin, and many seasons of waiting. Thank you to the Rebelution team and to the Harris brothers for inspiring us teens and young adults to do hard things!” – Cate VanNostrand