One of the hardest things I’ve done has been to embrace seasons of transition.
Honestly, I don’t like transitions. They’re hard, uncomfortable, and filled with unknowns. But for the past few years, my life has felt like one transition after another. From releasing books to getting married, from graduating school to beginning and resigning jobs, life has been full of seasons coming to a close while new seasons unfold.
And more transition is ahead: one of the biggest and most life-changing transitions of all–parenthood.
As my husband and I celebrate and anticipate God’s gift of our precious baby, we’ve been praying and considering what the future looks like. What new responsibilities are ahead? What challenges and time commitments lie before us? Raising children is not for the faint of heart and we take the role and responsibility of stewarding tiny souls and raising them in Christ very seriously.
Raising children is Kingdom-of-God work. It’s a full-time, day-in and day-out commitment. It’s one of the hardest, but I believe, most rewarding responsibilities that could be granted someone on this earth. Every parent has only a few short years to train and disciple their children, but those years will either positively or negatively impact their child for eternity.
New Responsibilities
Over the past few years, God has given me the task of writing and releasing books and running the Rebelution. But now, my priorities are shifting and it’s becoming clear that the responsibilities He’s placing before me look very different.
While I’ll still be writing on the side, my daily life will look less like writing books, recording podcasts, and speaking at events, and more like serving my husband and children, running our home, and discipling little hearts as I wash little hands, feed little bellies, and teach little minds.
Most of the world would say that the former is bigger, harder, and more impressive. I disagree.
Anyone can write a book. Only a mother can fulfill that holy calling of stewarding and caring for her children. Writers are replaceable. Mothers are not.
All the hard things I’ve done up until now have led me to this point, to these responsibilities, and to this mission. I’ve been in preparation for these tasks and it’s now my job to embrace them wholeheartedly and do them for God’s glory.
That’s why it’s time for me to step back from the Reb. This announcement is bittersweet. I love the Reb and have been incredibly privileged to be a part of it for the last 8+ years. I’ll never forget sending my first article in for publication and the excitement I felt when it was accepted. God has used the Reb in my life in myriad ways. Through it, I’ve learned and grown. I’ve been challenged and edified. I’ve met countless individuals who have blessed and impacted me–including my husband!
I’m so thankful for my years with the Reb and they are ones I’ll always treasure. I’m excited to see the plans God has in the future and how He will use the Reb for His glory.
It’s funny timing, because as I began sharing this with the team, Tabitha, our amazing managing editor, shared with me her own season of transition. She began working with the Reb when she was still nervous and uncertain about her own writing abilities. Through the years, she’s grown leaps and bounds–as a writer, editor, and most of all, as a follower of Jesus. It’s been beautiful to watch her grow and to see the fruit of that growth in her writing.
But growth often leads to change, to new opportunities and places of faithfulness the Lord is setting before us. That’s where God is leading Tabitha right now, so she too is finding it necessary to step back from the Reb.
One might think that leaving a position where your job is literally challenging teens to do hard things for God’s glory might mean that your own hard things are about to decrease. But actually, I think the opposite is true for Tabitha and I. Because what we’re pursuing is faithfulness and obedience. We’re not leaving so we can stop doing hard things for God’s glory. We’re stepping back so we can continue walking in obedience to the Lord, growing in Him, and faithfully doing all He’s set before us with excellence and intentionality.
That’s our continued prayer for each of you–that you would wholeheartedly seek obedience to the Lord, living faithfully before Him in every season of your life. God’s glory is our goal. Obedience is our route to that goal and submission to His Word is our map.
In a phrase: Follow Jesus alone.
Follow Him in every season and every circumstance. Follow Him no matter what people or society around you says. Follow Him through the ups and downs, difficulties and joys. Follow Him wherever He leads, knowing that He’ll always lead you closer to His Word and undoubtedly farther away from what is considered acceptable to both the world and the surface-level Christian.
Sound hard? You bet.
But it’s the only hard thing worth doing.
What’s Ahead?
So what’s ahead for the Reb? This is the part where I should usually introduce the amazing new Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor, right?
Well, we don’t actually have those pieces in place yet. Which is why I’m sharing this news today….because we’re praying and asking the Lord to provide the right people to pick up the baton and lead the next generation of rebelutionaries.
From now until June 18, we’re taking applications for both positions. If you love the Reb and have interest in filling either role, feel free to apply and we’ll review each application. Or if you know someone who would be perfect for the job, pass this onto them!
Tabitha and I won’t be going anywhere for awhile, so this isn’t goodbye quite yet. But it is the prequel to our goodbye and the introduction of a new chapter for the Reb. Would you join us in prayer that God would guide the Reb moving forward and provide the right people to fill these positions? Pray that He would be glorified, His Word proclaimed, and His name exalted through this platform. After all, that’s the only thing that really matters. If you feel the same, prayerfully consider joining the work of the Reb and fill out an application below.
Click here to apply for Editor-in-Chief.
Click here to apply for Managing Editor.
So happy for you, Sara!!! 💕
Aww, thank you, Lorelei! 🙂 We’re so excited!
Congratulations! That’s awesome! This place won’t be the same without you! Thank you for all you did! ❤️
Praying for you both in this next stage of life.
Praying for you all during this transition.
Also I noticed your book on Amazon was listed at 49 cents. I did not want to purchase at that price if it was an error.
God bless
Thank you so much for all your years of service here at the Reb. You will be missed, but motherhood will be such a wonderfully challenging and full experience. God bless this next chapter of your life! I will be praying for you and Tabitha.
Congrats, Sara! That is so exciting!
I’ll be praying for you and Tabitha in this season. You all have done so much for the Reb and I pray that God will abundantly bless you in this next season. Thank you for everything, Sara and Tabitha!
Thank you so much for all you did, after reading the book that started all this I decided to check if the website was still up and found this, I signed up for the emails and I always click on them, but I’ve only ever read one story, and that story was a darn good one, and really impacted me, I’m grateful for you supplying that opportunity, even if it was just that one story. Also, is there a forum or group chat or something like that still up, I only just realized I could comment on posts, but is there just a place to… you know, chat?
Wow!!! Congratulations to you Sarah, so excited for you!! ❤️❤️ And blessings to you and Tabitha both as you step into your next journey!! And prayers that God will bring the right people to step into your shoes 🙏🏻
Blessings and congratulations!!!! 🫶🫶
Please ignore the misspelling of your name, Sara 🫣 don’t know how I messed that up!! 🤦🏻♀️
So excited for you and your husband, Sara! I am sure the two of you will do a great job raising your wee one for His Glory.
Thank you for the large amounts of time and effort that you have poured into the Rebelution, and therefore into all of us that read the articles posted here. It is an amazing way to learn and grow, and I thank you for helping keep this ship afloat so long!
And Tabitha, whatever you are tackling next in life, wherever God is leading you, I know He has great plans in store for you. Thank you for the time and energy you have devoted to helping the Reb run smoothly. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Also, will keep y’all in prayer! Whoever replaces you, I’m sure will do a great job but you’ll still be missed. I’d apply if I had the time and experience but alas, I don’t have either in this stage/season of life I’m in.
CONGRATULATIONS! You will be missed! I will be praying!
Yay!!!! Congratulations!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳 I’ll be praying for all you guys! And have fun parenting! May God bless you with absolutely amazing children, a clear mind for parenting, and whatever else you may need! You have been an amazing Editor-in-chief, and the Reb would (and will) not be the same without you!
Thank you for all you’ve done for us!❤️
God bless!
Thank you both so much for all you’ve done! This site has been an incredible blessing to both myself and countless others. I pray God will bless the two of you as you continue to follow Him. I know He has big plans for you guys and the Reb.
Thank you so much for your kind words, Sara! That truly means so much to me. 🙂 I am grateful for your prayers as well! <3
Thank you so much, Ruby! 🙂
Thanks, Mathew! Wow, I wasn’t aware of that! I’m guessing that’s probably a third-party seller on Amazon. There’s always a competition for the buy button on Amazon. 🙂 But what a great deal and hey, if it’s offered for that price, I’d say stock up! =D
Thank you, Maya! It’s been such a joy and privilege. So grateful for your kind words and prayers. 🙂
Thank you, Caitlyn! You are a blessing to the Reb!
Hey, Connor! I’m so glad you’ve found us and been encouraged! That’s a huge blessing to us! Unfortunately, we don’t currently have a platform like that available, but you never know….maybe the new Editor-in-Chief will put something new in place! Until then, we LOVE to see interaction in the comment section!
Thank you, Hope! 🙂 That’s so sweet! We are grateful for your prayers!
Haha, no worries! Auto-correct ALWAYS misspells my name! =D
Thank you, Lilyana. That’s so kind of you. It’s been a blessing to ME and I just pray the Lord has been glorified and that y’all have been edified and encouraged. 🙂
Thank you soo much, Victoria! 🙂
That’s so sweet, Lydia! Thanks for your prayers and encouragement! I’m sure we will…we’re super excited! 🙂
Thanks, Zane!
Thanks, Samuel! That’s really kind of you. 🙂
Sara, I’m so grateful for all that you and Tabitha do to bring glory to God through serving on TheReb! You will both be missed, and I’m praying for y’all as you transition into a new season of life. Thank you for publishing my first article on TheReb and supporting my writing! I’m so grateful for you! ❤️
Aww, thank you, Lila! You’re so welcome and we’re grateful for YOU!!
As a young fellow who would be turning 20 in three days, I can only appreciate all you have done and how you’ve impacted me. Thank you very much Sara.
Congratulations, I’m honestly happy for you ma’am
Excited for you, Sara! Parenthood is such a blessing. It is a sanctifying, yet so sweet! Praying for you all! You have served The Rebelution well.
Sara and Tabitha, you will both be so missed! I will be praying for you both as you are dealing with changes in your life, both good and bad! Thank you both so much for all the work and effort you have put into this website, it has been such an encouragement to me.
And congratulations, motherhood is such a wonderful calling God has given!
Congratulations, Sara! I’m so happy for you and your husband! Will be praying for you in this incredible new season of life! Thank you SO much for all you have done for us! Your impact has been tremendous! You have always been sweet, inspiring, and courageous. Thank you for helping us grow in the Lord and for encouraging us to do hard things. It has truly been a blessing.
Tabitha, thank you for all you have done as well! It has been a pleasure to work with you to publish my first and second articles! Praying for you as you step into this next season.
THANK YOU SO MUCH, Sara and Tabitha!!!! We’ll miss you both, but are excited to see all that God will bless you with in your next seasons as you trust Him and walk in His ways.
Thank you for all you’ve done for theReb, it’s truly changed my life and lead me closer to God. I hope you’ll continue to pursue God in a ever-growing relationship as you exit this stage in your life, God bless.
Timothy, hearing that is so meaningful and so humbling. Praise God! I pray you continue to draw closer to Him as well!
Thank you sooo much, Olivia! That means so, so much to me! I’m so grateful for your prayers and encouragement! 🙂
Thank you, Joanna! We’re sure gonna miss the Reb too! We love y’all so much!
Thank you, Theron! Yes, indeed it is. Praise God for His grace!
Thank you so much, Akinola. Praise God. And happy birthday! 🙂
Sara, we are super sad to see you and Tabitha go but excited for the great things God has ahead for you both. Congratulations on your pregnancy and I admire how you are confident that motherhood and parenting is such an important calling to train souls to love the Lord and disciple them despite it being a calling the world greatly undermines.
And Tabitha…you have edited my articles and been so encouraging and kind-I have greatly enjoyed interacting with you and writing for the Reb! Praying for you both in this transition-because sometimes change can just bring about more incredible things than we could’ve dreamed-even though it’s hard! God bless! <3
Thank you so much, Summer! I’m super glad to have “met” you and read all your wonderful articles. 🙂 Thanks so for your kind words and encouragment!!!
Congratulations! I am very happy for you guys and your new baby 😊
Thank you so much, Trent!! Appreciate it!
I will miss you Sara.