I want to explore the concept of writing with excellence through the lens of our Christian faith. As followers of Christ, we are called to live out our faith in every aspect of our lives, including our writing endeavors.
While I’m definitely not a professional on the subject (and that’s a huge understatement), it’s important to talk about. Thinking and even theorizing about a topic can often bring us to understand more than we would have otherwise. Our opinions should mold to God’s standards, not to those of people around us, but hearing from others can help us on our way.
So now let’s delve into what it means to write with excellence from a biblical perspective.
From the Word
The pursuit of excellence in writing is very similar to that in any other field. While we have unique opportunities, the Scriptures do have some very specific yet sweeping passages that make perfect guidelines for us to follow in any occupation we choose to pursue.
Ecclesiastes 9:10 reminds us, “Whatever your hand finds to do, verily, do it with all your might.”
Our pursuit of excellence is not something that should be considered optional—it’s a mandate given to us by God. Whether we write essays, poems, novels, or anything else, we must do so wholeheartedly, reflecting God’s character the best we can. This especially applies when we’re writing something for others to read.
Our pursuit of excellence is not something that should be considered optional—it’s a mandate given to us by God. Share on XWhen you’re writing for eyes other than your own, it’s much more important for your story to have meaning. You could write about a boy living on his own in a forest, but unless he learns something or grows along the way, it won’t be as engaging or impactful on the reader. Instead, have him learn important skills, think rationally about his problems before he went to the forest, or finally respect the beauty of God’s creation.
“And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.” – Philippians 1:9-11
This verse encourages us to excel in love, knowledge, and discernment. Our writing should reflect these virtues, aiming for sincerity and blamelessness.
On top of that, 1 Corinthians 10:31 tells us, “Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.” Our writing is no exception. Every word penned should honor God and point others to Him, whether directly or indirectly.
For nonfiction, this is slightly easier. You can either write specifically about God or draw God into the other topics you’re writing about. After all, everything came from God, so there’s always something to say about Him, whether you’re talking about dogs and cats or grocery stores.
In fiction, it’s a little different. It’s not a sermon or an article specifically meant to preach to people. With fiction, no matter the genre, it takes more thought. It’s important that your representation of God aligns with His character.
Even if, like in the book of Esther, there’s no mention of Him at all, we can show the glory of what He’s made and write with godly themes like courage, forgiveness, or perseverance.
When we write, we participate in God’s creative work. Our words can inspire, challenge, and comfort. Because of that, we should strive for excellence, knowing that it reflects God’s glory.
“I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm – neither hot nor cold – I am about to spit you out of my mouth” (Revelation 3:15-16). These powerful couple of verses warn against spiritual lukewarmness. Similarly, our writing should not be lukewarm. Writing with flimsy morals and a wavering view of right and wrong fails to honor God or impact readers for good.
That’s not to say never write anything you wouldn’t consider perfect. This just means to do your very best to stick to your faith and to avoid writing in an ungodly way (in other words, steer clear of writing to please a human’s natural lust for darkness).
Our best writing will come when we reject half-hearted efforts and instead pursue excellence that ignites hearts and minds.
Priorities and Motivation
The pursuit of excellence requires discernment. Some good things may distract us from God’s will. Prioritizing writing that aligns with His values is the best path. That means our priorities should be God’s priorities: winning souls from His kingdom, keeping our fellow believers pure, and chasing His ways without shame.
Eliminate obstacles, whether they be pride, laziness, or fear. Seek God’s wisdom to discern what truly matters. Clearly that isn’t easy, or even close to it, but through prayer and persistently journeying towards the truth, it is possible to improve in these areas, even though we won’t reach perfection in our broken world. Replacing those habits with God can be the best thing you do as a writer.
Honesty and authenticity matter. Just as the Bible speaks truth, our writing should reflect genuine experiences, struggles, and victories – not avoiding darkness, but refusing to dwell on it.
All Christian writing should strive to be as honest and genuine as the Scriptures. The Bible is our ultimate guide, revealing God’s heart and truth. We’re not meant to copy the Bible exactly – and it’s known to tackle quite a few topics we may not be ready to write about – but God is clearly a masterful storyteller, and there’s an infinite amount of knowledge to glean from Him.
The Bible is our ultimate guide, revealing God’s heart and truth. God is clearly a masterful storyteller, and there’s an infinite amount of knowledge to glean from Him. Share on XOur ultimate motivation is to glorify God. When we write, we engage in an act of worship. Whatever type of writing, whatever genre, let it be an offering to Him.
Let us write with integrity, knowing that our words may just impact lives and draw others to a kingdom too great for us to imagine until it finally comes.
Live (and Write) for God’s Glory
Writing with excellence from a Christian perspective involves more than mere skill; it’s a heart posture. As we put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard, we should remember our calling – to glorify God and His kingdom, grow in our faith, and express truth with boldness.
May we strive to be more like Him through our adventures here on earth, seeking His excellence every step of the way.
Thanks Ava for these reminders! Writing really is an area where we can share God’s Word and values using the creativity He’s given us. A great read and encouragement! 😊
Thank you so much! I have never heard anyone talk about this subject before, and I found it so helpful.
This is great Ava! There are so many good reminders!