Imagine what would happen if students all over the world decided to dedicate time, effort and diligence to studying the Bible.
Jen Wilkin presented this question to parents and youth workers on Christianity Today:
What if we gave students the Bible and expected them to learn it? What if we asked them to read it like a book – to apply the same skills they are learning in their English class to their sacred text? … What if we asked them to learn to rightly divide the Word with all the discipline they would apply to learning calculus or the violin or gymnastics?
The scripture has guided my choice of work, strengthened my friendships, united my family, supplied joy beyond measure, instilled hope in the midst of depression and replaced fear with unwavering confidence. In short studying the Bible has radically transformed my life.
The Excuse
Inevitably at this point someone will object. “I understand that Bible study is important but I just don’t have time.”
As Brett Harris has wisely taught, we always have time for our priorities. Transforming my excuse from “I don’t have time to study the Bible” to “Studying the Bible isn’t a priority” has changed how I think about Bible study.
Is growing in your relationship with Christ a priority? If so, you need to study the Bible as this is how a Christian grows. “Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation.” (2 Peter 2:2, emphasis added)
Interestingly, students don’t hesitate to pour time, hard work, patience, and practice into other things they think are important, even if it’s hard. Just take a look at students’ habits in regard to competitive sports, music lessons, chemistry exams, artwork, or video games. But when it comes to studying the Bible, we feel it should be easy, exciting, and effortless. When that’s not the case, we quickly conclude that we just aren’t able to understand scripture or don’t have enough time to try.
What would happen if we changed our mindset when we came to God’s Word? If we decided that the Bible is worth our time and effort, and determined to grow in our relationship with God?
What would happen if we decided that the Bible is worth our time and effort? Share on XFor all who are ready to find out, here are three steps to get started.
1. Read the Bible for yourself
Try reading the Bible like it’s a book. You don’t pick up a book and read a little bit from chapter 25, go back and read chapter 3, then skip over to chapter 12. You start at the beginning and read all of it.
If you’ve never read the Bible from cover to cover, start now. An excellent way to get through the entire Bible is to start a Bible reading plan. You can find lots of good ones online. I recommend looking for a plan that will take you through the entire Bible in one year. Breaking the reading up into a year should only take about 15 minutes each day!
However you choose to do it, start reading the Bible.
2. Apply the skills you’re learning in English to the scriptures
This is called Bible study. You’re already learning how to pull out major themes, summarize, outline, and identify subjects and verbs in English class. Students, you’ve already been taught how to study. Start applying those skills to the scripture.
Students, you’ve already been taught how to study. Start applying those skills to the scripture. Share on XRather than coming to the Bible with the attitude of “I’ve finished my school work, now I’m turning off my brain while I read my Bible,” come with an attitude that says, “I’m learning to outline and summarize in school, so that I can better study the Bible.”
3. Be as diligent in your study of Scripture as you are with sports, video games, algebra, or music
Imagine a pianist who has diligently practiced for years. The once funny marks on the paper are now easily interpreted, the once stiff fingers now fly with precision, the once painstaking practice has become enjoyable music making.
The same thing happens when we diligently study the Bible. We learn how to make sense of confusing texts, how to easily identify main themes, and actually begin to love sitting down with the Bible.
But it’s not the outcome of 5 minutes of random reading a day.
Your skill at basketball, your A+ on Algebra, your high score on your video game all came as the product of diligence, practice and hard work. So with the Word of God. You will only learn and enjoy as you invest diligence, practice and hard work.
Will you rise to the Challenge?
Not many people expect you to do this. In fact, they might think understanding the scripture is too difficult a task for you, a student, to undertake. In response to these protests Wilkin said,
“I agree that teens won’t rise to an expectation that we have not set. Not all students will rush to the challenge of a higher bar of discipleship, but [some are] ready to grow deeper.”
Are you one of them?
Editor’s Note: this article was previously published in 2018
This was a great article. I especially liked your first point–“Try reading the Bible like it’s a book. You don’t pick up a book and
read a little bit from chapter 25, go back and read chapter 3, then skip
over to chapter 12. You start at the beginning and read all of it.” So true!
I’m so happy you were accepted Katie! 🙂
I agree! I recently started reading it for many reasons, but a major one being that I want to see what the Bible teaches as compared to what Islam teaches. Another one is that it helps with anxiety bigtime.
Yes it’s so important to know the whole word of God.
Thank you so much for reading Courtney! You’ve been such an encouragement to me to keep writing. 🙂
Reading about who God is and what He has done and the promises He has made to us definitely helps with anxiety. I’m so excited to hear that you have been reading the Bible more recently. Keep it up!
You’re welcome! 🙂
Studying the Bible used to be a struggle but as I learn more about God, and as He is changing me, it is no longer a challenge but a necessity to read His Word and commune with Him as if my life depended on it – because it does! I’m slowly learning to let go and have complete dependence on God alone.
Very well written Katie,
One of my new years goals is to read scripture everyday if possible. And so far by God’s grace I have been faithful to do so! A wise older gal from my church once said “our brain is like a sponge. It’s soaks up whatever our minds are thinking about, seeing, even tasting!! So read God’s word so we can be soaked up in it.” And with doing so, you will find yourself hungry for God’s Word which will make you want to read more! One of the things I have challenged myself to do is memorize a verse a week. Or a passage every two weeks. Each verse that we memorize is like a pearl that is on a strand that we can tie around our neck. So the more scripture we memorize the prettier the necklace gets!
It all starts with reading God’s word. It all starts with dying to self, taking up our cross, and following Jesus. Jesus made sacrifices for you, so now let us make a sacrifice of our time to learn more about Him. And with doing so, we will become more like Him and be a light/example in this world ☺️❤️
God bless you sweet Katie!!