I stared up into the darkness of the hotel room, my mind reeling. God, what did I do to deserve this? A knot of fear sat heavily in my stomach, haunting me. The fear that clenched me was something I hadn’t experienced at that level before. I was under spiritual attack.
I tried to breathe deeply, mentally singing the lyrics of one of my favorite hymns. Crown Him with many crowns / The Lamb upon His throne…
I forced myself to keep singing the lyrics in the dark of the hotel room. God’s presence was with me—even in that place miles away from home, even though what was happening terrified me.
In that moment, I needed the reminder that God was still there, and God was still sovereign. That I could ride out the storm, safe and full of peace. The waves that threatened to tip me were not too big for my God.
Friend, when fear grips you, remember that you don’t have to let fear have the final word over your life. You belong to Someone who is greater. And you can cling to His Word, His promises, even in the middle of your fears.
When fear grips you, remember that you don’t have to let fear have the final word over your life. You belong to Someone greater. And you can cling to His Word, His promises, even in the middle of your fears. Share on XBe Held in the Presence of God
As the tears crept down my face, I wondered if God was still there. If I was gripped by fear, where was God? I had been taught the truth of His presence my whole life, yet I still wondered. He had the whole world to take care of. Did He even listen to my pleas for His comfort?
As I sang the lyrics of the song, I was reminded of the unchanging truth. I promised I would meet you in every storm, that I would hold your hand, that I would comfort you. Do you not believe My promise?
In one of the most famous verses of the Bible, the psalmist recalls God’s presence in the midst of his trouble. Psalm 23:4, ESV, states, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”
In your time of fear, you can trust God to deliver on His promises. He is right there in the storm with you, comforting your fearful heart.
Psalm 22:11, ESV, cries out for God’s presence. “Be not far from me, for trouble is near, and there is none to help.” Can you see the anguish? The heartache? The plea for God’s presence?
Does it sound familiar to you?
Friend, if you’re in the midst of a storm that threatens to trap you in fear, remember that God is right beside you. He does not forget His child.
Let the knowledge of His presence flood you with peace. Remind yourself that His presence is enough. Sing a hymn like I did, resting on His unfailing promises.
Find Peace in the Sovereignty of God
Sometimes fear not only threatens us, it overtakes us.
But here’s the clincher: fear is not in control of your life.
When fear overtakes us, however, sometimes we forget that. We forget because fear seems too powerful. We forget because our sinful nature blinds us to the fact that God is in control. We forget because we are human.
Colossians 1:13, ESV, reminds us “He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.” Christ has the power to deliver us from the dark domain. He has control over darkness.
The day you said yes to Jesus, you came under His control, out from under the control of darkness.
In Mark 6, the familiar story of Jairus’s daughter is unfolding. Someone from the ruler’s house comes to Jesus and tells Him it is too late. The child is dead.
Can you see the gentle smile on Jesus’s face? His answer is found in Mark 6:36. “But overhearing what they said, Jesus said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not fear, only believe.”
That command is for us too.
Today, friend, believe that God is in control of the storm.
Take Comfort in the Protection of God
During my time of spiritual warfare several months ago, I found comfort in a chapter of the Psalms that talks about God’s protection: primarily against darkness. Psalm 91:1, ESV, states, “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.”
This chapter spoke to me in my time of fear, and I encourage you to read it when you struggle with fear. It reminds us of God’s sovereignty, His presence, and ultimately, His protection over us.
Isaiah 41:9-10 is one of my favorite passages in the Bible. “You whom I took from the ends of the earth, and called from its farthest corners, saying to you, ‘You are My servant, I have chosen you and not cast you off’; fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God.”
The reason this verse is so beautiful to me is the aspect of being God’s chosen one. You are His chosen one. He does not forget His child, His chosen servant.
God’s protection over His loved ones is something we can never fully grasp. And sometimes His protection may seem absent. But know this: God’s protection is real. His Word gives us the proof that He watches over us.
Believe God’s Promises
So, when you hear that whisper in the storm, through the raging winds, the threats of the devil, the waves of doubt—answer the Lord with a yes. Yes, I do believe Your promise.
It is unfailing, unchanging, eternally beautiful. When fear overtakes you, refuse to let it have the final word over your life. Be held in God’s presence, find peace in His sovereignty, and take comfort in His protection.
And remember that there is One who is greater than the storm.
This was a great article, Caitlyn! Something that especially stuck out to me was: “The day you said yes to Jesus, you came under His control, out from under the control of darkness.”
Thank you, Molly! Thank you for editing this, I think your edits really strengthened this article!
This article really encouraged me because fear is one thing I struggle with a lot.
Thank you, Caitlyn! This was what I needed today. <3
“And remember that there is One who is greater than the storm.”
Thank you, Victoria!
Thanks Annikki! It’s my prayer that God would use my feeble words for His glory:)
It was so comforting to read these beautiful words. Thanks for writing this, Caitlyn!
I’m so glad, Evalyn! Thank you for reading and commenting:)
Thank you for this.
God is with me through this season, I will overcome because he has overcome.
Buelah, you are so welcome! John 16:33: “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In this world you have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world.”