Sometimes I have a hard time believing my words can make a difference. Writers get that – the risk, the uncertainty, the naysayers that tell us we will fail.
Our world is made up of words – harmful, hurtful, loving, giving, grieving, cherished words. We spend our time rearranging the twenty-six letters of the alphabet, and even when we feel like we’ve crafted our finest, it’s just not good enough.
But that’s no reason to quit.
If we don’t write, then others will. They will write the lies the devil speaks and the hurt that ruins God’s creation. If we don’t write, then we’ll never know if we could’ve made a difference for good. Share on XBecause if we don’t write, then others will. They will write the lies the devil speaks and the hurt that ruins God’s creation. If we don’t write, then we’ll never know if we could’ve made a difference for good.
That’s a scary thought.
Some writers write for fun. Others write to change the world. Whatever category you fall into, it doesn’t matter – but your words do.
I wrote this poem as a reminder as to why I write –why we need to write.
This is My Pen
This is my pen.
I wield it with a shaking hand.
My thoughts are scribbled and rushed, others prosed and crafted.
This is my space, a space where stories come alive.
This is God’s space, used for His glory.
This is my pen.
Various in shape and color, though ink hardly matters beneath the words.
Because words on a page shape our world –our universe on the edge of a scribble.
God’s scribble.
And I am one of His poets –a work in progress, a story unfinished, a masterpiece ready to be unveiled.
This is my pen.
I might not see the whole picture.
Little by little I see the light.
But I know it’s there, because He is there with it, revealing it to me every day.
In His space, I capture what He shares with me.
This is my pen.
My weapon, worthy of work.
And I intend to use it.
These are my scribbles.
May you find Him in every word.
Words matter. Words make a difference. Words are the gift God gives to us as writers.
What Kind of Difference are You Going to Make?
In this day and age, amidst the hustle and bustle and saddening stories we hear on the news, it may seem that our perspective is insignificant. But in my own life, I’ve seen my words move others to tears.
My dad likes to joke with the phrase ‘you never know.’ There is some truth to that phrase beyond just a chuckle. We never know the audience we will reach. We never know the magnitude of the impact we’ll make.
But there is one thing we can know—someone is going to be impacted by the way we arrange the twenty-six letters of the alphabet. The real question is: are they going to be impacted for the better?
Here are three things to keep in mind as you write to ensure you’re wielding your pen for good.
1. Pray Over Your Pen
Prayer might seem trivial. It might seem like God doesn’t answer our prayers. But those are lies. However, just because we know the truth, that doesn’t keep the lies from coming. Doubt still sinks into our thoughts; fear still grasps at our minds. So, we need to rehearse the truth, and act on the truth by praying despite the lies.
I’ve heard it takes thirty days to develop a habit, so I’ve used this thirty-day timeframe to practice praying more. I use the time I pause to say a blessing over my morning meal as a prompt to pray for specific people that might be hurt or lost.
You can do the same with your pen – when you sit down to write, say a quick prayer. It doesn’t have to be formal; you don’t have to bow your head. Just be sincere. Ask God to infuse your words with His truth and life. Ask Him to guide your pen as you write. Ask Him to be glorified in every sentence, every paragraph.
I’m still developing this habit. I’m also praying for it – that it will linger in my mind and that I won’t become lazy with my thoughts. God will lead your thoughts and steps when you ask Him to, so trust Him with your prayers and your pen.
God will lead your thoughts and steps when you ask Him to, so trust Him with your prayers and your pen. Share on X2. Choose Who You’ll Use Your Pen For
I use my pen in hopes of success most of the time. Often, I have to remind myself to stop and surrender what I write to God and His purposes. Do I want God’s hope for this world to intertwine with each word? Or will it be a meager echo that skims the pages of my story?
Who are you writing for? What thoughts stir in your mind as you pen your words? Think carefully over this – are your writing habits wholesome and edifying or the opposite?
Even when we try our hardest to do what God has set before us, the devil will try to twist our actions to suit him better. So be wary of his lies and tactics and set a reminder for yourself – a reminder to write God’s truth for God’s glory.
3. Humbly Serve with Your Pen
Sometimes I read what I crafted years earlier and think wow, I’ve come a long way! And in many cases, I have. It’s encouraging to see growth and improvement. But I have to be careful to stay humble and to not let my pride get in the way of my content. I have to remain humble whether my blog has one follower or three hundred.
Be careful not to let pride in your heart. Choose humility again and again. Remember that God gave us the gift of words for a reason –to glorify His Name not our own.
Wield the Pen God Gave You
Being a writer isn’t easy. It comes with many challenges. But so long as I can use my pen to exalt the kingdom of God, I might as well get my hands soaked in ink.
I hope you, dear reader, will grasp the importance of your pen, and how to wield it properly.
After all, God gave it to you. How are you going to use it?
This is such a great reminder of truth! As a writer myself, this is something I think about often and the thought of praying over our writing is something we do need to do. Thanks for writing this great article!
Dearest Lilia…
Wow! You are a published writer! Be proud Sweetheart because this is an incredible accomplishment. I love you way you weave together each of your pieces. You words are insightful and compelling. Mature way beyond your years! You have a gift and I have a feeling this is just the beginning of how God is going to use you in the years to come to bring beautiful messages to His people. Greg and I are soooo proud of you. We sure love you. Greg and Donna.
Awesome article, Lilia! I think it is important to make sure God is in our writing, whatever kind it is, even if it’s fiction and fantasy. Thanks!
Amazing article! This is such a beautiful reminder of the power of words and very applicable to anyone who wields a pen.
I couldn’t love this more💜
Wonderful, just wonderfully done!
Lilia, thank you so much for this timely reminder that EVERYTHING we do is for Jesus. I’m in the midst of writing several articles for my school newspaper, essays, and even a short ‘personal memoir’ for my classes. In a secular high school that is ultra liberal, I need Gods wisdom and guidance when I write. I’ve found myself praying as I open my computer drafts, Lord please use these words in some way to reflect your light and truth.
I can get stuck on the idea that my book report is “just an assignment” instead of an opportunity to serve the Lord. I want more than anything to glorify Him with my writing.
Anyways, thank you so much and may God continue to bless you and your (wonderful) writing!
What you’ve penned is a crucial reminder to all of us who love The LORD and wish to serve him through the written word. Just beautiful, thank you. I would love to print your poem and frame it.
This is beautifully written! When we surrender our skills and talents to the Lord, He will surely use them to do great things!