Over the past few years, as I’ve talked to hundreds of Christian teens, there’s one thing that I’ve learned.
They want to follow God…but they’re not always sure what that looks like.
They’re hungry for more…but don’t know where to find it.
They long to make a difference with their lives…but staying motivated is hard.
In short, they deeply need guidance, direction, and accountability on how to live boldly and set apart for Jesus even in an anti-Christian world.
Can you relate to this? You have so much passion and you want to live for God, do hard things, and make your life count…but actually knowing how to do that is hard.
Especially in our current culture. There’s so much pressure and so many voices distracting you from your main purpose in life. You may even wonder deep down if authentically living sold-out for Jesus is even possible or question if it’s worth it.
I’m here to tell you that it is possible…and it’s always worth it.
But it’s not easy.
It’s not easy to consciously go against the current of how society thinks, believes, and lives.
It’s difficult to stand for truth in a culture that denies the authority of objective truth.
It requires hard choices and difficult decisions to pattern your life after the Word of God instead of the ideas of the world.
It’s not a recipe for popularity, success, or fame. And it’s certainly not the path of comfort or ease.
But what if it’s the only path to deep joy in Christ and the only way you’ll ever make your life count in this world…but more importantly, make it count in the next?
I wish I could come alongside each and every teen and help them navigate these hard decisions and confusing questions. But of course, one person can’t do that.
So that’s why I wrote Stand Up, Stand Strong.
Stand Up, Stand Strong is the cultural handbook every teen needs to navigate an anti-Christian society with clarity and truth. It’s my heart for teens bound up in a book.
Stand Up, Stand Strong covers:
-How to build a biblical worldview
-Biblical identity in a “be yourself” society
-God’s design for sex, marriage, and relationships
-Navigating LGBTQ+ issues
-Racism and injustice
-and so much more
I hope it equips you to stand strong upon God’s truth…even in an anti-Christian culture.
Watch this short video for more.
Stand Up, Stand Strong releases April 19th, but you can preorder from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, ChristianBook.com, or Baker Book House.
Get 40% OFF and FREE shipping if you preorder today from Baker Book House.
Randy Alcorn said, “Stand Up, Stand Strong is an extraordinary book. Sara is immersed in a biblical worldview that permeates everything she says. She writes with rare wisdom and insight. Often I read books that don’t quite live up to what they could have been. This one actually does. I highly recommend it for young people everywhere.”
Dr. Jeff Myers wrote, ““In a time when many young adults feel paralyzed by anxiety and uncertainty, Sara Barratt shows the way to hope and courage. Gen Z is ready to rise, and Stand Up, Stand Strong shows how to do it. Desperately needed and timely.”
Get your copy today at 40% off.
Thanks so much for this article. It was so eye-opening! I went ahead and pre-ordered the paperback from Baker Books! I can’t wait for it to arrive. This sounds like a really good book, exactly the kind of thing Christian teenagers need right now.
Aw, thanks so much, Samuel! I really hope it encourages you!! 🙂