Pixar’s newest film, Turning Red, is clearly about puberty: as protagonist Meilin Lee enters her teenage years, she discovers that she is transformed into a giant red panda whenever she experiences strong emotions. What the film’s marketing has not made clear is who the intended audience is.
Rated PG for thematic material, suggestive content, and language, this is decidedly not a children’s movie. In and of itself, that isn’t a problem. Not every animated film needs to be geared toward the youngest common denominator.
A simplistic interpretation of the film’s message is that rebellion and disrespect are an ultimate good, and parental authority is an ultimate evil. The underlying issue Meilin pushes back against, however, is not her parents’ authority, per se, but rather her mother’s overbearing nature—i.e., controlling everything about Meilin’s life without caring about the development of her own preferences and personality.
Not even a solidly biblical perspective would consider human authority to be absolute and immutable. The apostles themselves even said, “We must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29). While parental authority over a teenager is an inherent good, it is not—or, rather, should not—be limitless in its scope and execution.
That being the case, it is understandable (to a degree) that Meilin considers her friends the most important people in her life, and that she wishes to assert her growing independence through going behind her mother’s back. On the other hand, this priority of one’s friends—and one’s self—over family is not treated with the sobriety and criticism such skewed allegiances warrant.
A Rebel Whose Cause is Herself
There are two statements Meilin makes that help decipher the film’s thematic core. First, at the very beginning of the movie, Meilin says honoring one’s parents shouldn’t be taken too far because “you might forget to honor yourself.” And second, in the film’s denouement, she boldly asserts to her mother, “My panda, my choice” (a declaration that noted critic Richard Roeper says “sticks out like a tweet more than an organic moment of expression”).
These two lines of dialogue provide a cohesive thesis statement for Turning Red. Meilin’s paradigm is a capitulation to the Western deification of the self as the ultimate authority. Some have called this expressive individualism.
In Meilin’s case, her individualistic “honor yourself” ethic is displayed thus: by commodifying her body in panda form (taking pictures with fans, selling panda-themed merchandise, and being the entertainment at a party for other kids) to fund her trip to a concert. But by literally selling herself to make money, she eerily resembles a real-world phenomenon: how many pubescent girls have shared pictures of their developing bodies with people who weren’t interested in them before, but who now find them fascinating.
To be clear, there is no discernible subtext of sexual objectification within the film itself. Nevertheless, Meilin obviously lacks the emotional intelligence to discern the true difference between honoring herself and dishonoring herself. And yet we as the audience are invited to sympathize with her misguided and repeated pursuit of expressive individualism.
Yes, there is a lot of passive rebellion in this movie. Meilin continually lies to and disobeys her mom, often at the encouragement of her friends. Sometimes this rebellion is even played for laughs.
In an especially cringe-inducing scene, Meilin (in panda form) intentionally aggravates her mom, who has just accused her of being crass. “Oh, that’s nothing,” Meilin replies. “You wanna see crass?” She then starts twerking and slapping her backside, taunting, “Is this bothering you? Take it, Mom! Take it! Take it!”
Now, I’ve seen it argued that this twerking isn’t so much an act of self-realization as it is an act to distract her mom so as to protect her from the long-lasting effects of a mystical curse. (If you’ve seen the movie, you’ll know what I’m talking about.) While this explanation makes a certain amount of sense, it fails to acknowledge the fallacy behind the “ends justify the means” thinking. Regardless of her intentions, a teenager rebelliously twerking at her mom is…well, a teenager rebelliously twerking at her mom.
Motives and Methods
Turning Red’s warped perspective can be better discerned by comparing it with another recent Disney film: Encanto. While these two movies are worlds apart, they both have a teenaged female protagonist who struggles under the domineering presence of a matriarch.
Both films explicitly address the burden children (or grandchildren) feel when expected to be perfect. But the way in which these themes are addressed are as different as a blood moon and a blazing candle.
These differences reach their peak in each film’s climax—between Meilin and her mother Ming in Turning Red, and between Mirabel and her grandmother (Abuela) in Encanto. It should be noted that both Meilin and Mirabel have legitimate critiques to make: Meilin is right about her mother refusing to give her any room to breathe; and Mirabel is right in discerning that their family home is being destroyed because of Abuela.
One can legitimately address the failings of an authority figure while maintaining a respect for the authority structures God has set in place for our protection. That being the case, the answer to one extreme (abject authoritarianism) is not the opposite extreme (abject rebellion), but rather firm and respectful dissent.
On the whole, this is where Mirabel succeeds, and Meilin fails. Mirabel is not a rebel; rather, when forced into a corner, she points out Abuela’s culpability in tearing their family apart. The goal is the good of the family, and to “save the miracle.”
Meilin, on the other hand, is a functional rebel with a self-centered cause: a (misguided) pursuit of her own (perceived) good. Right before her defiant twerking, Meilin shouts at Ming, “I like boys! I like loud music! I like gyrating! I’m thirteen. Deal with it!”
Again, the point is not that Meilin has no legitimate grievances, but that her rebellion is the wrong solution. Furthermore, we know from scripture and human nature that rebellion serves only to worsen, rather than resolve, family tension.
A Pixar Film in Name Only
There are many in our society who view rebellion, not necessarily as an inherent good, but more as an inevitable passageway between childhood and adulthood. I get the sense the filmmakers of Turning Red share this perspective (especially considering the additional material in Embrace the Panda, a making-of documentary about the film).
Despite what society tells us, rebellion is not some necessary evil for proper teenage emotional development. Share on X
But despite what society tells us, rebellion is not some necessary evil for proper teenage emotional development. Turning Red fails to acknowledge this—with detrimental results.
This film is only one example of the “junior knows best” narrative trope. It won’t singlehandedly redeem rebellion in audience’s eyes. But the collective message of other films like it provides, as film critic Steven D. Greydanus puts it, “a virtual pedagogy in filial contempt and rebellion.”
Pixar’s filmmakers aren’t irresponsible for addressing teenage rebellion, but they are responsible for presenting it through rose (red?) colored glasses. They have exchanged the typical Pixar poignancy for discourteousness. A glorification of rebellion may not be the intent of Turning Red, but it is a functional side effect.
Absolutely spot on. I knew I was going to dislike this movie just from the trailers, and I only saw the first five minutes and the last thirty. Besides being cringey and cheesy in presentation and plot, the theme is outright harmful. I do find it funny that Mei asserts that “this is who I am” and that she’s not going to change. Not only is she a brat who SHOULD change, but she’s in middle school. In a few years she will look back on herself and cringe. I don’t know anyone who has not been embarrassed to some degree by the person they were in middle school, haha.
How do you think this movie compares to Pixar’s other recent film Luca in theme? They both deal with a child who sneaks around their parents to realize their full self. I found Luca much more palatable than Turning Red, but now I’m considering if Luca’s message is better than Turning Red’s and why. Maybe I’ll have to rewatch it.
Your connection to Encanto was great. While I do have some quibbles with that movie (the conflict was resolved too quickly imo), at least the conflict was resolved in a healthy and balanced way.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Till now, I hadn’t seen a Pixar movie I didn’t like. (There were some I didn’t really care for, but none I utterly despised.) I hope the Turning Red trend will not continue.
Thanks for your comments, Bethany! I actually haven’t seen ‘Luca’ yet; the trailers left me underwhelmed. Granted, many Pixar trailers leave me underwhelmed, and I end up being impressed with the actual film. In any case, I may eventually watch it–if for no other reason than to compare it to ‘Turning Red.’
This article hit the nail because I too, loathe Turning Red for those same reasons. I find it difficult to support Mei Mei to be independent because she is only 13. She is still a minor and is still under her parents’ thumb, whether she likes it or not. The parents along with her grandmother and aunts, didn’t need to be the bad guys in order for the kid to be the good guy! She came off as an obnoxious brat. Nobody twerked in 2002! The plot itself was stupid. I swear, Pixar stinks at making girl-oriented movies. Why is that the great Pixar heroes like Woody, Wall-E, Sulley, and Miguel get to go on epic adventures and along the way learn lessons about friendship, family, and romance, while Merida and Mei Mei get stuck with petty and lame plots based on mommy issues, puberty, and unwanted marriage? Inside Out is the only Pixar girl-oriented movie that had a smart plot. Mei Mei doesn’t care about anyone except her dumb three friends. I was hoping she’d learn how to care about other people besides her friends-just like how Molly McIntire from the American Girl collection learned how to get along with other kids besides her two friends. I was hoping she’d learn that just because she’s a teenager doesn’t mean she has to cut her mother out of her life. Unfortunately, it never happened. All I got was her snapping at her mom, “My Panda, My Choice!” Instead of reconciliation, all I saw was a power switch only with the daughter calling the shots instead of the mother.
The scene in which Mei twerked in front of her mom just to distract her, was so appalling and horrifying that my family member said, “Ugh, I hope she [Mei Mei] dies!” You know a movie is bad when you found yourself wishing death on the heroine instead of supporting her.
Another problematic aspect was the mother. Pixar used to be good at showing adults with complex personalities from Carl to Papa Hector. Now they’re not. Why was the mother so against the idea of Mei Mei having friends? Is Mei Mei not allowed to have friends ever or does she think those girls were bad influences? I also found it ironic that Mei Mei was already rebelling even before getting the Red panda! When the mother saw her daughter’s creepy doodles of some teenage store clerk, why didn’t the girl tell her mother that it’s just a crush; nothing to worry about? When the mother went to confront the store clerk, why didn’t the store clerk tell her, “Lady, I don’t know this girl! I have never seen your daughter before!” ?
What was I supposed to feel during the scene? Laugh? Feel sorry that Mei Mei couldn’t indulge in her teenage lust because of mean old mom?
I kept watching this horrible movie instead of turning it off because I was hoping the following elements would happen:
A) Mei Mei has a cool Aunt who is a foil to Mei Mei’s mother. The aunt would be similar to Bruno or Sebastian in which she helps Mei Mei understand her mother and tells the mother not to be so strict on her daughter.
B) Mei Mei meets a bad guy who is responsible for the extinction of red pandas and wants to hunt Mei Mei for being one.
C) Mei Mei and her mother have a heart to heart talk. Mei Mei tells her mother that she loves her but wants to play with other kids and needs a break from her homework and temple duties. So mother sets some boundaries and creates a schedule in which Mei Mei can find time to do her homework, temple duties, and hang out with friends.
Unfortunately, none of those story elements ever happened and that is partially what made the movie fail.
A third problem was Mei Mei’s religion. I found the ritual scene very uncomfortable to watch. It was so frightening and creepy that my mother had to fast forward those scenes. Usually, I’m fine with watching movies that showed magic (Lord of the Rings Encanto, and Harry Potter) or other religions (Coco, Mulan, Pocahontas). But Turning Red was too explicit and creepy!
Worst. Pixar. Movie. Ever.
It gave the harmful message that parents are bad and that friends are so much better than parents. It also portrays teenage rebellion as a positive thing. How can it be a good thing when the Bible compares rebellion to witchcraft? The director is such a stupid person! If John Lasseter was still in charge of Pixar and Turning Red was pitched to him, he would shut it down because of how stupid and harmful the plot was!
And it angers me that people on Twitter (like Lauren Faust) attacked people for having legitimate reasons for not liking Turning Red.