“When’s the next election?” I asked my Mom excitedly at the beginning of this year.
I’m seventeen years old, and since I’m a minor, I can’t vote. I was disappointed to hear that the next election was this year, five months before my birthday.
Understanding that this is an important election, I wish I could voice my opinion by placing my vote in the ballot box.
But I’ll have to wait four more years for that.
Now, I know most of us minors who wanted to have a voice today are bummed out. I’ll not kid with you—this is an incredibly important election.
But don’t lose hope. There’s one thing we minors can still do–pray.
Pray for Authorities
I’ll admit off the bat that if I could vote, I would vote Republican. This doesn’t mean that I support everything they do because I don’t. I just see them as a better option.
I’ve noticed this year that voting isn’t everything. I can also pray for my party.
But I shouldn’t stop there.
I should also pray for the Democrats. As much as I disagree with them, I should pray for them.
“[Pray] for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” (1 Timothy 2:2)
Notice how Timothy doesn’t say to pray only for the kings you like or pray only for the good kings. No! Instead, he clearly and unmistakably states that we are to pray for “all who are in high positions”!
Pray for the People
Let’s get down to the point—our nation has wandered from its Christian foundation. It’s gotten to the point that information, which is part of our heritage, is taken out of our history books because it’s considered “offensive.”
We must pray for the people of this nation—not only our friends and family but our country as a whole.
“I exhort, therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men.” (1 Timothy 2:1)
Pray for all men. All. Don’t just pray for those who fight against abortion. Don’t just pray for those who fight to keep our freedom to practice religion alive. Pray for the rioters. Pray for those who are pro-choice. Pray for those who hate Christians to their very core.
Pray for Revival
When COVID started, I heard two pastors point out this verse:
“When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust to devour the land or send pestilence among my people, if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:13-14)
Hearing this, my jaw dropped. In the year 2020, our world has been plagued with droughts, locusts, riots, and sickness. Could God be trying to give us a wake-up call? Could He be calling us to pray? If only every Christian in this world would lift their voices to Him, I believe we would see a great revival.
To Those of You Who Can Vote
For those of you who can vote I encourage you to do so. Think about it. You have an opportunity for your voice to be heard through voting. By voting, you have an opportunity to help put candidates into office who could potentially impact our country by overturning Supreme Court rulings such as Roe vs. Wade or have other such tremendous impact!
Also, don’t think that you don’t have to pray just because you voted. Still, pray! Though I believe voting is critical during an election, I deem prayer to be even more so.
As I was watching the presidential debate two weeks ago, my heart sunk. It was then that I realized that prayer for our country in this hour is not optional but necessary.
I watched our presidential candidates argue back and forth like little kids and felt let down by the options our country had for potential leaders.
Later, I thought through things. No matter who gets into office does not mean that God will stop working in our country. God will not be hindered by any man.
Remember that God can work through anyone in office as you pray. For us minors, don’t be despondent as the election approaches. Instead, pray. Do not hesitate to pray for all the authority and all the people of this mighty land. Cry out to God for there to be revival today.
Comment below! Those of you can and can’t vote, tell me what else you think we can pray for or what else you think we as Christians should do during the elections.