Do we compartmentalize God?
I know I have.
We place Him in sections and corners of our lives, relegating Him to those areas and barricading the rest of our lives out of His reach.
We condemn sin when we see it in the world, but have no problem being entertained by it on our TV’s.
We believe our lives have God-given purpose, but don’t think twice about wasting hours on social media.
We love Scripture verses like Galatians 5:22 and hang up artwork with the words “Love, Joy, and Peace” on our walls, but find ourselves struggling to apply those very attributes in our relationships with our family.
It’s so easy to give God pieces of our lives, but God doesn’t want “pieces of our lives.”
He wants all our lives.
I’ve often struggled with knowing what following Jesus looked like in my day to day life. How does Jesus transform areas like my social media usage? How does Jesus alter how I view my relationships? Does Jesus even change things like my daily schedule and priorities?
We want to live by Christ’s command of “Follow Me” but what does this have to do with that? How does Christ invade those “nitty-gritty” areas?
Two words: completely and radically.
Followers of Jesus don’t look like the world, because they don’t live like the world. (John 15:19) Followers of Jesus have different priorities, because they have a different purpose. It’s time to break down those barricades and allow God access to every aspect of our lives.
That’s what chapters 10, 11, and 12 in Love Riot, our current book study pick, are all about. They dig into how God changes three of the most difficult areas of our daily life: our time, relationships, and media usage.
If we desire Jesus to be Lord of our lives, we must allow Him to be Lord of our daily lives. He seeks to be Lord of all, not simply Lord of some. Share on XI challenge you this week to ask God to evaluate your daily life and bring areas to mind that you might have “barricaded” from His transforming power. Is it how you talk to your parents? How you relate to the opposite sex? How you manage your time? What you spend your time doing? The media you choose for entertainment? Whatever it may be, when God brings something to the surface, seek Him for strength and grace to follow through.
If we desire Jesus to be Lord of our lives, we must allow Him to be Lord of our daily lives. He seeks to be Lord of all, not simply Lord of some.
I’d love to hear from you! What has God been teaching you through this book study?
It’s not too late to join the study! Pick up a copy of Love Riot today.
Join me on Facebook Live tonight at 7:30 EDT on the Rebelution’s Facebook page as I talk more about letting God invade our daily lives and answer your questions.
Book Study Schedule:
Follow along or read at your own pace!
Week 1: It’s Time for a Challenge: Moving from Superficial Religion to Wholehearted Relationship (read introduction and chapters 1-3)
Week 2: Digging Deep: Letting God Change Us From the Inside Out (read chapters 4-6)
Week 3: From Devotions to Devoted: Growing in Consistency, Love, and Knowledge of God and His Word (read chapters 7-8)
Week 4: The Nitty-Gritty: Giving God Control of the Day to Day (read chapters 10-12)
Week 5: Radical Conviction 101: Living for Christ and the Gospel in an Anti-Christian World (read chapters 13 and 14 and conclusion)
Come back next Thursday for our last session: Radical Conviction 101: Living for Christ in an Anti-Christian World