So many summer events have been canceled. Sports, concerts, vacations, conferences . . .
While many of us were gearing up for a jam-packed summer, suddenly many of our plans disappeared.
It can be disappointing . . . but you know what?
Here at the Reb, we are excited about this summer. We believe this could be a summer of tremendous opportunities.
For growth. For doing hard things. For learning. For serving Jesus.
That’s why we’re so thrilled to be announcing our first virtual book study to help you use this summer growing and glorifying Jesus!
Our lead editor Sara Barratt will be leading this book study on her brand new book Love Riot: A Teenage Call to Live With Relentless Abandon for Christ.
We’re excited about Love Riot and we’re even more excited about this book study!
Do you…
…want to grow in your walk with God?
…gain practical tips for things like sharing the gospel and navigating media and entertainment?
…dig into what it really looks like to follow Christ in an anti-Christian culture?
…be challenged in your journey with Jesus?
If so, than you won’t want to miss this special Rebelution book study event!
Sara will be doing 5 Facebook live events every Thursday in July starting July 2nd on the Rebelution’s Facebook page. Come back the Reb every Thursday in July for a new article from Sara and to share your thoughts about Love Riot. There is also a special Facebook group you can join to chat about the book as you’re reading and interact with Sara.
–Purchase a copy of Love Riot if you haven’t already.
-Mark July 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30 on your calendar to tune into the Facebook lives (note: you can watch them even if you don’t have a Facebook account)
-Join the Facebook group here (this is optional, but it gives you more interaction).
-Visit the Reb every Thursday in July to read Sara’s posts about the book and follow along.
-And if you’d like, invite a friend or two (or more!) to join!
There are no deadlines, so you can read at your own pace and follow along with the posts. It’s completely flexible based off your schedule.
We’re so excited about this event and we hope you join us!
Grab a copy of Love Riot and start reading!
thanks you so much I love it! it’s right time for me and my team God bless you