2020 has been a terrible year.
We’re only halfway through it, and I’ve already seen several articles, videos, and online forums label 2020 as “the worst year” of this century, of their lives, and even of all time. (Just Google “2020 is the worst year,” and you’ll see what I mean.)
Based on what has already happened so far, I can see why.
2020 Unmasked
This year boasts a global pandemic that has dramatically changed plans of academic graduations, weddings, funerals, church services, film projects, sporting events, travel, etc. People have been forced to spend months quarantined in their homes for their own safety, many are unemployed, and the economy is disrupted worldwide.
Times are so uncertain; just when things finally seem to be settling down a bit, the year takes another sudden blow with news of racial injustice, oppression, and civil unrest in the world. People all over the US are longing for their voices to be heard, reports of protests and riots fill the news headlines, cities are literally being burned to the ground, and many are wondering what could possibly go wrong next.
Despite the horrible circumstances the world is enduring right now, I believe that 2020 does not have to be the worst year. With the right perspective, I believe that it is possible to view this year as the blessing (in disguise) of God. I am confident that every circumstance of 2020 has not escaped his notice and he can use these situations for his glory and to fulfill his purposes.
God Almighty is truly omnipotent; He can redeem even these tragedies.
The Significance of “Twenty-twenty”
It’s interesting to note the significance of twenty-twenty. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, twenty-twenty is “of the human eye: meeting a standard of normal visual acuity.”
When someone has twenty-twenty vision, this individual can see perfectly without corrective lenses. You may be thinking “That’s interesting and all, but what does this information have to do with the year 2020? Everyone’s uncertain and no one has perfect vision for what the rest of this year holds.”
You’re absolutely right. No human being on the face of this earth has any idea what will happen next. But I believe that twenty-twenty vision is significant because this year could be a year where God is giving his disciples a specific time they can use to truly sit back and reflect on their personal and spiritual lives.
God is Working… Do You See It?
This year is an opportunity to intentionally make changes to the way we think, act, worship, and socialize with others. Maybe God is working through these situations because he desires for us to improve our perspective on the issues and needs of this world. Maybe he wills us to gain a better vision for our lives and for the world at large; a vision that is more aligned to his already perfect 2020 vision.
God is doing amazing things throughout the whole world in the midst of the current circumstances. He’s bringing families around the world closer together. He’s causing people to rethink their perspectives on issues of theology, injustice, race, and identity. He’s giving his followers a multitude of opportunities to change the world through the way they stay connected with people around them, speak out and act against injustice, invite others to their churches, and do good to their local communities.
Will we allow God to work through the struggles of 2020 to sanctify us and to fulfill his purposes? Our eyes and our hearts won’t be open to see and to participate in his work if we’re complaining about how 2020 has only brought hardship.
What if, while we’re groaning and saying “I wish this year could just be over,” we’re missing out on the opportunities God is placing before us? 2020 could very well be the worst year of our lives… if we continue thinking and acting like it’s the worst year of our lives. Or, with a change of perspective, a change of attitude, and eyes to see, God could take this year and do more than we can currently imagine.2020 could very well be the worst year of our lives… if we continue thinking and acting like it’s the worst year of our lives. Or, with a change of perspective, a change of attitude, and eyes to see, God could take this year and do… Share on X
I believe it’s time that we take this year he has given us and use it to seek him with all that we are, reflect on how God is working in our personal lives, and discover his twenty-twenty vision for the year 2020.
This year is not over yet. Who knows? Maybe 2020 will become one of the best years of our lives.